15 April 2016

Review of The Body Shop's Ginger Anti Dandruff Shampoo | Nourish My Hair

A review of The Body Shop's ginger anti-dandruff shampoo from Nourish ME at www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

A review of The Body Shop's ginger anti-dandruff shampoo from Nourish ME at www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

A review of The Body Shop's ginger anti-dandruff shampoo from Nourish ME at www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Today's post is all a bit TMI, so bear with me. For about as long as I can remember, I've suffered from dandruff. At some times it was more severe than at others, but I finally seem to have it under a good level of control. I used Head & Shoulders shampoos for YEARS and had absolutely no idea how harsh these products were on my hair or scalp. If you don't know what I'm talking about and still use it, then google it (some of their products are so harsh that people use them to strip dye from their hair!). 

Anyway, moving on from the negatives, I now do an overnight hair oil mask once a week and opt for more natural shampoos to keep dandruff and a sore scalp at bay. The oil ensures that my scalp gets a deep moistening, so it is less likely to flake, and the fewer nasties that are in my shampoos makes it less likely for my scalp to get irritated. 

So, this brings us on to The Body Shop's Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know that The Body Shop features quite frequently on my beauty posts, as I love a few of their fruity scents, and their skincare products are often spot-on. Annoyingly, this shampoo is one of my least favourite products in terms of scent. Give me an apple-y shampoo, or even a magnolia one (mmmmm) any day over this one. If you've ever tried lemon and ginger tea, or even smelt raw ginger, then you'll have an idea of exactly what this shampoo smells like. The main way to get around this, I've found, is to use a pleasanter smelling conditioner - it totally masks the scent so that you can't smell it post-wash. However, if, unlike me, you find the scent of ginger pleasing and stimulating, then you'll have no problem!

Now on to how this shampoo actually works. Unlike some other more natural shampoos I've tried in the past, this one lathers up perfectly fine. Whilst using it I've been utterly flake free, and I haven't even found any pesky little flakes floating around after a couple of days of not washing it. Although it clearly worked well in nourishing my scalp, it was a little drying, so I found that combining it with a fair amount of conditioner (I use the V05 Revive Me Daily one) was necessary to stop my dyed hair from drying out.

So there we have it: if you're struggling with dandruff definitely give this a whirl. This is the first shampoo from The Body Shop that I've actually tried, so I'm really tempted to pick up another soon.

Have you tried any of The Body Shop's shampoos? What did you think?


  1. I've used the Body Shop Nettle Shampoo, and it leaves my dull hair SO shiny!
    Their formula's are just great, fab post girl!

    Holly | www.thekittyluxe.com

    1. Oooooh I haven't tried that one, I'll have to give it a whirl!

      Steph x

  2. I've tried this stuff before and it really is incredible!


    1. I'm about to run out of it and I'm seriously considering repurchasing!

      Steph x

  3. I've not used any hair products by The Body Shop but I've heard such great things - deffo need to check them out <3
    Katherine Rosie | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. This was the first one I've tried, and I'm totally going to give a couple of others a go soon too

      Steph x

  4. Glad that this product was able to help you with your dandruff - I love The Body Shop's products!


    1. I do too - I haven't bought anything from there in what feels like forever and I'm really looking forward to doing it soon

      Steph x

  5. Anonymous17/4/16 10:19

    I have nominated you for the Liebster awards. You can find out more about it on the following blog post http://thebeautyandtheblonde96.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/omg-i-have-been-nominated-for-liebster.html

    1. Aw thank you so much sweetie!

      Steph x


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