2 November 2017

40 things to do when you're feeling down

1.) Make a hot chocolate. Smother it in whipped cream.

2.) Wrap your hands around a hot drink when they're cold. Feel the warmth creep back into your fingers.

3.) Run a hot bath filled with bubbles.

4.) Light some candles.

5.) Open all the curtains in the house; get some light in.

6.) Put your cosiest socks on and pad around the house.

7.) Put fresh sheets on your bed.

8.) Snuggle down with a book.

9.) Make some popcorn and watch the cheesiest movie you can find.

10.) Check yo hormones: PMS can make everything feel full on shit, but I find it easier to handle when you know it's down to PMS.

11.) Eat your favourite snack.

12.) Paint your nails.

13.) Bake something you've never tried before.

14.) Grab a throw and cosy up in front of Netflix.

15.) Do THAT thing you've been putting off for forever, so that it's not looming over you anymore.

16.) Get internet 'window' shopping. Fill up a basket with all the dreamy things, and maybe even treat yourself to one or two.

17.) Cuddle a pet.

18.) Cuddle a person (not quite as good as a pet, but they'll do).

19.) Plan something you're really excited for.

20.) Open the windows and get some fresh air in.

21.) Watch a David Attenborough documentary (the man is so soothing)

22.) Call a friend/arrange for a catch up.

23.) Let someone know you're feeling down. Isolating yourself can make things feel more rubbish.

24.) Take some time out. Don't 'girl boss' things for a moment. Chill and do all the things you want to do that aren't productive.

25.) Try some yoga. Yoga with Adriene is the best Youtube channel for it FYI.

26.) Read some poetry. Connect.

27.) Go for a walk with your headphones in and have some 'me' time.

28.) Have the longest, most luxurious shower with all your fancy beauty bits.

29.) Do a face mask.

30.) Camp out in bed for the day. Do nothing but catch up on TV and eat the best snacks.

31.) Order your favourite takeout.

32.) Tune out of social media for a few hours, or even the whole day.

33.) Do some mindfulness colouring.

34.) Buy your favourite flowers.

35.) Leave a hair mask in overnight and feel like an absolute Princess when you wash it out in the morning.

36.) Watch a Harry Potter movie (they're the most comforting)

37.) Think about what you really want to do in the next six months/year/five years. Make a bucket list.

38.) Book a weekend away. Go to a city you've never visited before.

39.) Play a board game. Get competitive.

40.) Relax, and remember that tomorrow's a new day.

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  1. This picture looks so cozy and is basically exactly what I do when I have an off day! Calling a friend up, or just pampering yourself for the day helps so much. Thank you for sharing these, I feel like we all need a pick me up sometimes xx

    Sending light & love your way,

    My Lovelier Days

    1. Me too! I think having a good ol' pamper day can make things feel so much better

      Steph x

  2. I loved this post! Yesterday I got so angry with something so stupid (I broke a glass) and then I was like: why am I so angry? I got my period the next day so.. hahahahah

    1. Ahaha I do the same thing all the time! And I get my pms really bad about a week before my period is due, so I never expect it

      Steph x

  3. This list is everything 😊 There are so many fab ideas! I need to bookmark this for when I feel rubbish! Xx

    1. Thank you so much! I'm going to be looking back over it when I'm feeling low too

      Steph x

  4. This is a wonderful list! I will save it and reference it when I'm feeling down. ♥


    1. Thank you - I hope it helps!

      Steph x

  5. Wonderful and positive post!

    Anika | anikamay.co.uk

  6. I can agree with pretty much everything on the list. Yoga with Adriene...oh my, I find out that every "girl boss" out there watch her You Tube channel, haha :)


    1. Yoga with Adriene is fab - she's so motivational!

      Steph x

  7. Anonymous3/11/17 17:52

    I absolutely agree! I've had a bit of a rubbish day today, so I've baked muffins, made a hot chocolate with whipped cream & mini marshmallows, put on a face mask and will watch some feel good films tonight :)

    1. I hope you felt better afterwards - that sounds like such a lovely cosy day!

      Steph x

  8. i love doing mindfulness colouring when i’m feeling down. love these ideas!


    1. It's so nice to have something to completely focus on other than your worries, isn't it?! I find it so helpful

      Steph x

  9. Just reading all of these has relaxed me so much. I love everything here and definitely need it after having such a hectic weekend. Thanks for this Steph :) xxx

    1. I'm so glad it has! You're very welcome

      Steph x

  10. I really love this list - going to save it for a later time! :) Tania Michele xx

  11. This is such a great list! I feel like I need to print it out and stick it somewhere I can see it daily. Thanks for sharing <3 x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. Thank you so much! I hope it's helpful

      Steph x

  12. Great list- all of these are great suggestions! Love a hot chocolate, bath, or cuddle with a pet, and a takeaway pizza from Dominos is one of my favourite pick me ups!

    Alice | Alice In Wonderlust

    1. Thank you so much. Those are all some of my absolute faves (and Dominos is hands down the best pizza place)

      Steph x

  13. Agreed, Harry Potter films comfort me so much! And that hot chocolate looks bloody amazing!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

    1. Watching Harry Potter is the best Sunday afternoon activity!

      Steph x

  14. This has given me lots of ideas to brighten up my weekend. Thanks for sharing them!

    Lisa | http://farawaylisamae.com

    1. You're very welcome - I'm so glad you enjoyed them

      Steph x

  15. Love love all this tips! You have such a nice blog. It's really nourishing :D


    1. Thank you so much! I hope you found the tips helpful

      Steph x


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