12 November 2016

My Top 10 Disney Films

My top 10 disney films. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

My top 10 disney films. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

My top 10 disney films. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I've been filming a really serious Youtube video for you all today, so this post has come just in time to make me feel all light hearted again. Disney is my favourite comfort food of the cinematic world. On a bad day, some cheesy nachos, a blanket and a Disney film (or three) are definitely the way forward. So, I've rounded up my top ten Disney films to inspire you all this Saturday. Some are classics, some are more recent, but all are animated. Because animated Disney films are always going to be the best, dur. I had a shortlist of about 25 initially, so consider these the creme de la creme of my Disney obsession.

1.) The Nightmare Before Christmas. Is it a Halloween film? It is a Christmas film? Who knows. I've already watched this one this year, and totally used the excuse of it being a Halloween film. This is a Tim Burton masterpiece, and if you've never bobbed up and down around the house singing 'THIS IS HALLOWEEN, THIS IS HALLOWEEN', then you're doing it all wrong.

2.) Up. Have you ever had your heart broken? If not then prepare yourself because this attacks you right in the core of your feels. A cute, grumpy old man named Carl won't let developers knock down the house he lived in with his wife until she died, and his attempts to deal with everything just make my heart bleed.

3.) The Princess and the Frog. I'm not usually a big fan of the traditional Princess movies (although I have to say that this is not the only one on the list), but I absolutely adore this one. The humour in it is perfect, and I don't think I've ever been so upset by the death of a character. I'm not going to spoiler it, but if you've watched it then you'll totally know who I mean.

4.) Tangled. I did warn you there would be more Princess-y ones on the list. Tangled is effectively the story of Rapunzel, but Disney-fied. Rapunzel has her very own chameleon sidekick called Pascal, who is the cutest little guy imaginable. Some of the songs from this one are astounding, and the scene with the lanterns is all pretty unforgettable. I only wish I had gotten to see this on the big screen in the cinema. 

5.) Big Hero 6. In my opinion, this is the most unjustly underrated Disney film out there. Seriously, how have more people not seen it and fallen in love? Big Hero 6 follows the tragic story of the death of an older brother, who has engineered Baymax, a personal healthcare advisor. After his death, Baymax still exists on standby, waiting to detect someone in pain. All I want is my own personal Baymax to introduce himself and give me a hug when I feel poorly. Someone needs to get on that asap.

6.) Alice in Wonderland. I'm talking the traditional one rather than the Johnny Depp version. I used to watch this as a child all the time. This is one that the creators really ran wild with, and I loved all of the swirling colours, rapid scene changes, and the fantastical storyline.

7.) Lilo and Stitch.  I know a lot of people that really hate this one, and I have to ask: what are you doing?! Stitch is the cutest little alien I've ever seen. Also, if the 'ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind' quote doesn't tug on your heart strings, then you may need to get them checked out. The montages of naughty Stitch in this are hilarious, and something I could watch time and time again. 

8.) Beauty and the Beast. What a classic. I'm actually SO excited to see Emma Watson in the live action version oft his, but the animation will always take a place in my heart. The songs are addictive, and I wish Belle's simple dresses were the 'in' thing right now. They are just too good. 

9.) A Muppet Christmas Carol. Okay, okay I know two Christmas movies made it onto the list, but it's November so this is totally okay. I've never actually watched a 'normal' version of A Christmas Carol because who needs one when you have this? Tiny Tim is the most adorable little creature, and I love the narration they have throughout it.

10.) Hercules. This is mostly here because of the songs, I'm not going to lie. And then partly because of Pain & Panic and Meg's sassy nature. The muses' songs are quite simply addictive, and this is one film that I've watched so many times that I can now quote the entire thing almost word for word. 

What would you have put in this list?

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  1. Aww I love Disney films, I think I'll do a post like this to!


    1. Aw yay I'm glad it inspired you!

      Steph x

  2. I can't believe that I've only watched 3 of these! We started watching Nightmare before Christmas with my niece, but then the food shop came, so I had to stop watching it to sort that out. I'm determined to finish watching it before the end of the year, as I was really enjoying it!

    Alice in Wonderland & Beauty & The Beast would definitely be on my favourites list. The Disney songs are just fantastic! I wanted to write some of my favourites for you, but there are just so many - I can't choose! Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks

    1. Oh wow, you really need to get watching! There are some absolute gems here

      Steph x

  3. I love Disney so much! It's so good to watch at this time of year! Up always leaves me an emotional wreck, I just wanna give Carl a cuddle :( and I'm super excited for the new beauty and the beast movie! I love the cartoons 101 Dalmations and Aristocats - Aristocats always makes me want to go back to Paris too! A muppets christmas carol is such a good christmas movie hahaha, me and my boyfriend watched it last christmas and we felt like kids again haha. Great list!! X

    Y x | The Sweet Seven Five

    1. Up is an emotional rollercoaster! The Aristocats came very close to being on my top ten

      Steph x

  4. Great list! Tangled is definitely one of my favorites too and not just because I love Zachary Levi. Big Hero 6 was so cool! A little heart breaking but it's worth it for Baymax :D
    Steph x. Hello, Steph Blog

    1. The heart break of Big Hero 6 is definitely worth it for Baymax. I need one in my life

      Steph x

  5. Aw I love all your choices! Big Hero 6 is definitely so underrated! I also love Inside Out and Bolt although my faves have to be Tangled and the Lion King! x

    - Eternalleigh.blogspot.com

    1. Bolt came very close to making it onto this list - I love the dynamic of the three animals together

      Steph x

  6. Disney movies in general are just one of the best reasons to be alive to be honest, I can't possibly choose favourites! Each holds such a deep value, not to mention the animations or story lines are just beyond amazing.
    I agree that Tangled is beautiful, and I've ALWAYS loved Lilo & Stitch! <3
    I just stumbled upon your blog and it's absolutely gorgeous. I'd love if we can follow each other maybe? Do let me know! xo

    Joanne | Life in Blue Skies

    1. It was so hard to pick only ten! Lilo and Stitch is just beautiful

      Steph x

  7. I think I'm going to have to have a Disney day now, these all bring back so many memories!

    Class and Glitter

    1. You definitely shoudl, it would be the best day ever!

      Steph x

  8. Beauty and The Beast is one of my top 3 favourites from Disney :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Beauty and the Beast is the first film that ever made me cry, it's amazing!

      Steph x

  9. Ah Disney films are my favourite! I can't pick a top 10! :D x


    1. It was pretty hard to whittle it down! So many good films didn't quite make the cut

      Steph x

  10. I love so many of these!! My favourites are Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Aristocats and The Lion King!


    1. I haven't watched Aladdin in so many years. I might have to now to remind myself of what exactly it's like!

      Steph x


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