6 November 2016

Chin Up Masks - The Non-Surgical Facelift

Chin up masks: the non-surgical facelift. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Chin up masks: the non-surgical facelift. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

This is one of those (many) blog posts that I've just ended up pushing back and back and back because I've had so many others that I've been more excited to write. I actually picked this trial pack of chin up masks at the Bloggers Ball way back in June, and tried it out in July. Whoops. 

This trial pack retails at £29.95 and in it you get the strap that holds the mask to your face as well as two of the masks themselves. 

Now, I've done a lot of face masks in the past - they're my ultimate go-to for when I want a bit of a pamper - but nothing I've ever tried has been anything like this.

You start off by cleansing your neck. Then you open the mask pack and place the mask on the underneath of your chin. The mask itself is very very wet, and the only other mask that I've tried that is similar in this way is Garnier's hydra-bomb sheet mask. It's a rectangular mask, and slightly sticky, so that once you put it on your chin it will stay there for a few seconds whilst you manoeuvre the strap on.

This mask is definitely something I would do with a friend, just because this strap makes you honestly look hilarious. It sits on your chin and goes slightly up and around your cheeks so that you can fasten it at the back of your head. You have to fasten it quite tight (assumedly to make the mask work), and end up looking slightly hamsterish. I've already got pretty chubby cheeks and couldn't help but laughing at myself in the mirror.

Once you've had it on for thirty minutes you get to remove everything, and massage the excess moisture into your chin. I've got really sensitive skin, so I was honestly quite worried that I would have a reaction to this, but thankfully none of the ingredients were harsh enough. My one warning is that the packet does tell you that the mask will have a warming effect on your chin, and it definitely does!

Both me and my sister did it and were pleasantly surprised when we looked in the mirror. Our double chins had actually noticeably reduced, as the package had promised! I was so disappointed to find that the effects would only last for a week or so, but it was such a nice confidence boost to have for that week.

Have you ever tried a face mask like this?

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