8 November 2016

October Favourites and Life Update

October beauty, fashion and literary favourites. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

October beauty, fashion and literary favourites. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

October beauty, fashion and literary favourites. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

October beauty, fashion and literary favourites. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

It may be the 7th 8th November, and I'm only just getting around to my October favourites, but I do have a good excuse this month - we finally moved house! This month was a bit of a whirlwind because of that. Three weeks before we wanted to move in (not that we had left it to the last minute) we found our dream flat. And then the landlord pulled out on us the following day, and I wrote all about it here

However, after picking ourselves back up (and a few tears on my part) we found a house that was actually much nicer and suited to what we wanted within a week. So, all's well that ends well. But, for that week my stress levels were pretty sky high!

In the end, we had less than two weeks to get everything in order, all our belongings packed up, and ourselves ready for the big move on the 28th. It's only now (after a 5 hour long sojourn around IKEA), a week and a bit later that we've nearly got everything unpacked and the place is starting to really feel as if it is ours. I'm so so excited to get all of our family and friends over at some point to celebrate with us, and to show off what we've been waiting for for so long. 

October seemed like it went on forever. What with moving, two health scares with our pets (both of whom are fine now, silly little critturs!), some incredible blog opportunities and picking up lots of extra shifts at work, I'm glad the month is over. Plus, November means I can start getting ready for Christmas right?! I mean, I may or may not have already purchased a Christmas guest towel from Primark ...

Righty, it's favourites time now. For the first time ever there's actually some fashion-y bits as well as a book. Let me know whether you like these being in there with the usual beauty/lifestyle/food picks and I'll keep including them in my favourites from now on!


Oh Primark, how I love thee! Money has been tight for the last couple of months as we've been saving to make sure that we have enough money to buy all the furniture we need for our new house. Unfortunately, the drop in temperature in the UK doesn't care about that, and I've found my Winter wardrobe sorely lacking. These heeled boots with gold detailing have been absolutely perfect for keeping my toes warm, and looking good whilst doing it. I picked them up for £15, and there had a whole range of other drool-worthy winter boots to choose from.

It's just not my toes that needed to be kept warmer, but my ears, neck and chest too. This mustard yellow bobble hat was only £2, so naturally I had to pick it up in a second colour as well! It's so toasty and pairs perfectly with my new favourite coat. The blush pink, white and grey scarf was also a total steal, coming in at just £4. It is a humongous blanket scarf, so doubles up as being a cosy shawl when I need it to!


I know, I know, it doesn't look like I have that many beauty picks this month, but I actually do, I just may or may not have had a bit of a photo taking fail - whoops. 

Korres has been an absolute gem for me this month, and I've fallen in love with two of their products. The first is their mint tea shower gel, which I've posted all about here; and the second is their sleeping facial mask, which I've spoken about in detail here. I'm not going to bang on about them again, because let's face it, who wants to hear the same thing twice? So go check out the blog posts if you want to know more about why I've been loving them!

Next up is another win for Primark. I'm sick of paying what seems like an extortionate amount for cotton wool pads in Boots/Superdrug. So, I was pretty darn excited (sad, but true) to find out that Primark does a pack of 100 (I think) for 50p! I've been using them for about a week now and haven't noticed any difference in the quality between them and the ones I've been using in the past. 

Finally, Rimmel's The Only Matte lipstick in Take the Stage has taken pride of place as the only piece of makeup in my favourites this month. I was fortunate enough to be sent all nine of the shades in this range by Rimmel to try out and I've spoken about them in this post. Take the Stage is a perfect classic red lip, and I've found that the formula of these takes a lot more to budge than Rimmel's normal lipsticks.


I love love love talking about books I've found interesting, but I tend to do it over on my secondary blog. However, with it being Halloween in October, and getting more than a little hooked to this book, I just knew that The Monk had to be in my favourites.

The Monk is generally recognised as being the first ever book in the Gothic cannon. For its time, some of its themes are incredibly startling. We encounter witchcraft performed by a woman who has pretended to be a monk, secured a place in the abbey and seduced a monk to have sex with her. We have the story of a bleeding nun who was shunned and killed for renouncing her vows to the veil and becoming licentious. And, amongst other things, we also have a pregnant nun locked up in the convent by her prioress. If you've read Dracula and enjoyed it, then I definitely think you'll like this one!

I've filmed my favourites for you as always, so why not have a peek?! 

What were your favourites this month?
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  1. I moved house in Feb last year, and I cannot compare anything so stressful! If the landlord doesn't renew our contact I'm pretty sure I'll have some kind of panic attack! I'm glad it all went well for you though sweet :) x


    1. We've been here two weeks now and are still nowhere near sorted- everything takes so long! I want our contract to be renewed when the year is out too. Thank you :)

      Steph x


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