27 November 2016

Vatika Garlic Hair Oil

Vatika Garlic Hair Oil review. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Vatika Garlic Hair Oil review. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I mentioned in a recent post that I have an overriding worry that my hair is going to thin/fall out, and I take quite a few precautions to stop it from doing so. I've gone into detail about what that means for my hair care routine, and why I think it might be in the post, which you can read here, so I won't be chatting about that in this post. However, I've mentioned it because it is the main reason why I do oil my hair.

Hair oiling is a bit of a weird thing, but it does absolute wonders for me. I've dyed and stripped my hair. It's also pretty long and thick at the moment. All of these things means it needs a little bit more TLC to keep it, well, somewhat restrained. 

In the past I've used a whole range of hair oils to do an array of different things. Olive oil is fab if I want my hair to look shiny and feel smooth. Coconut oil on the other hand is better if I'm suffering with dandruff because it's brilliant at moisturing your scalp. I've used a few other shop bought oils, but mostly come back to argan oil if I'm using something that isn't a household product.

When I went to the Bloggers Ball way back in June (yes, this post has been on the back burner since then), and was offered Vatika's garlic hair oil to try I was pretty intrigued. I mean, I LOVE garlic, but do I want my hair to smell like it? Er, na. 

Of course I had to give it a good whiff then and there because I haven't yet learnt that curiosity killed the cat and all that jazz. It actually smells lemony rather than garlicky, which means my hair smells nice and fresh when I have it on. Two of the main ingredients other than garlic are lemon and rosemary, so this makes a lot of sense. It did *slightly* remind me of lemon scented cleaning products however, which isn't brilliant.

I spent a good while giving my hair a much needed coating of this oil last week. I've been so busy moving house in the past month (we STILL have at least one box looking neglected and sad in the living room), that I've not had a chance to oil my hair as regularly as I would do. As I've stripped the ends of my hair, I paid particular attention to them and the results were actually a little startling. I've since washed my hair three times and the ends still feel soft. 

I've used this a few times now, and with my hair being so long the bottle has only lasted me three goes, and I've only got about enough left to cover half of my hair. But, this is about as long as some other (much more expensive) oils have lasted me in the past, so I'm counting it as a win!

Here's a video I filmed all about how to oil your hair:

What do you use to oil your hair? I need to get something soon and I don't think this will be a repurchase

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