2 November 2016

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick Range*

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Rimmel's The Only 1 Matte Lipstick range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I am a massive fan of Rimmel lipsticks, let's be honest. If you've been around here for a while you might remember me talking about their Rimmel by Kate 15th anniversary collection, or my love for some of their core nude lip colours. Anyhow, I love how easily their lip colours glide on and the shape of the lipstick itself makes application super easy. But, in recent months I've started to move slightly away from these favourites to more long lasting liquid lipsticks in order to keep my lip colour on for longer without reapplication. 

You can imagine my absolute glee and *pinch myself* moment then when Rimmel were kind enough to send me their whole new matte lipstick line. I was in a state of disbelief all day when these came through my door - I just couldn't believe that they would take the time out to send their new line to me for my little blog. I felt like a truly lucky girl. They've released nine new shades for this line, ranging from a dark berry red all the way to a 'your lips but better' style nude. 

Matte lipsticks are what it's all about in Winter in my opinion. In Summer I tend to go for creamier, paler nude colours. Dark, vampy looks (my favourite at this time of year) need a little bit of a more long-lasting impact in my opinion, as it's so much more obvious when they begin to wear off. 

Last week me and my boyfriend celebrated our four year anniversary together, and this package landed on my doorstep on that very day. So, when we went out for our special evening meal together, I went armed with 'The Matte Factor'*, which is a red hued purple. This one actually reminded me a little bit of MAC's Sin, but without the high price tag. 

My first impression of the lipstick was put down a little bit by its scent. I don't know why they decided to go with something so strong, and it smells a little bit like flowers, or very sugary sweets. However, (thankfully) the smell does wear off once the lipstick has dried. After that, however, I was well and truly impressed. It survived wine, four or five cups of green tea and a good two/three rounds of sushi without showing much wear! I brought the lipstick out with me just in case it was needed for a top-up but I ended up going home with my original layer on. 

I am so so excited about this release from Rimmel - finally we have a good quality matte lipstick for an affordable price (these come in at £6.99, but are on 3 for 2 at Superdrug at the moment). The range of nudes, darks and brights is also pretty impressive, and if there's one thing that I love about lipstick ranges, it's when they have pretty cool names for each shade. From bottom to top on my arm swatch, the shades are as follows: Leader of the Pink*, Call the Shots*, Salute*, Take the Stage*, High Flyer*, Trendsetter*, Look Who's Talking*, Run the Show* and The Matte Factor*. All of these names scream 'I'm a sassy girl in control of her own life' to me, and I love the idea of thinking that I can and will do/be any one of these things when I wear the lipstick. 

Have you tried these yet?

*Although products in this post were sent to me for the purpose of a review, all opinions are as always my own*

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  1. Wow, this is so great that you received the whole line!! It sounds like it has such good stay power and I love the colours! x


    1. I felt so lucky! I was very impressed with the staying power

      Steph x

  2. I used to be obsessed with Rimmel but haven't used their products in a while, definitely need to buy some more of their products, especially these lipsticks as they look absolutely beautiful. That colour range is just gorgeous, I love reds and purples, perfect for this time of year :)
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. They're definitely my go-to for drug store lipsticks. I really wanted to get more red and purple hues, so I feel really lucky!

      Steph x


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