3 November 2016

20 things you don't realise you need until you move into your own home

20 things you don't realise you need until you move into your own home. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

1.) A council tax reference. What is one of these allusive things, and why does it take so long to come through? If you need a parking permit for where your new home is you'll most likely need a council tax reference in order to obtain one, so it's best to get in early with registering your move with the council.

2.) Contents insurance. As a tenant your belongings are not covered by the home insurance that your landlord has. So, if the house gets broken into you'll have to replace anything that gets stolen out of your own pocket.

3.) A TV license. I'm still not over the fact that you now need one just to watch BBC iPlayer. 

4.) A tonne of cleaning products. Polish, bleach, surface cleaner, bathroom cleaner, cloths, dusters, the works.

5.) Something special to get stains out of carpet. I love love love cream carpet, but alas, my clumsiness doesn't, and making a big stain without carpet stain remover on hand is practically my worst nightmare.

6.) Pots, pans and oven trays of various sizes. I was all set to make a casserole yesterday, until I realised my largest saucepan would only fit about half of the bloody recipe in.

7.) Condiments of all varieties. Salt, pepper, herbs, spices, ketchup, mayo, etc. etc. A home isn't a home until you can eat your favourite meals in it right?

8.) Endless amounts of storage. Clutter is so not on trend right now.

9.) Lots of snuggly jumpers and cosy bed socks, because you'll be paying for your own heating now, durr.

10.) A handyman that can come out and fix all the tiny things that go wrong for free so you don't have a meltdown because your dad isn't there to fix it anymore.

11.) A toolbox, because IKEA furniture (to my surprise) doesn't come with its own toolkit.

12.) A print-out of your local recycling/bin  service days.

13.) A cork board to put all of your important notices up, to remind both yourself and everyone else you're living with.

14.) People's addresses. How are you going to send Christmas cards otherwise? 

15.) A place of your own within the house. Even though you've just moved in with someone (probably), it's healthy for you to admit you don't need to spend 24/7 with each other, and having the space to be completely alone and do your own thing is important.

16.) A clear out. Go through your things before AND after you move to make sure that everything you have is something you need or want. I found a random assortment of cotton buds/tiny tweezers I never use and an iPod that's over 8 years old, water damaged with a 'crazy cats' cover on whilst unpacking today. 

17.) A talk about all the boring/essential stuff with who you're living with. Who's account will bills be coming out of? How will the living room be arranged? Is everything going to be split in half financially or will it be shared according to your salaries? 

18.) A kettle, toaster and microwave. These are just must-haves for any kitchen

19.) Doormats, so that you don't drag the outside all over your new inside.

20.) And finally, plenty of rest and food to get you through the unpacking, furniture moving and DIYs of the first few days!

Have you moved house recently? What would you add to the list?

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  1. Great post
    Really handy for people moving out. I left home 4 years ago today and I could have done with this advice. I remember during the first few days I got out the ironing board to do my uniform then realised I didn't even have an iron, but I had the board ..


    1. We did the opposite and thought we had no iron and found one packed up in our storage from uni haha. It's silly what you forget you do and don't have!

      Steph x

  2. I live in Australia and I've never heard of a tv licence before, that seems very odd to me. I'm still living at home and can see that theres a lot of things I haven't even thought about needing when I eventually move out.



    1. You basically have to buy one if you own a TV and want to watch it - it pays for things like the BBC which you get for 'free', i.e. without cable

      Steph x

  3. this made me chuckle haha, loved it. definitely handy as I plan to move out in the new year! xx


    1. Ooh good luck with your move!

      Steph x


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