10 November 2016

Current Netflix Favourites

Current Netflix favourites. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

In these tough Winter months, Netflix is a gift I love to truly treasure. Cosying up with soft blankets, my favourite PJs, a toasty cup of tea and a good Netflix session is my favourite way to deal with a rubbish mental health day. Way back in March, I wrote a post about my current Netflix obsessions and you all loved it, so I thought I'd do a lil' update with some things I've been binge-watching in the past few months. 

1.) Homeland. The new season of this just went up on Netflix and it's everything that I hoped and feared it would be. This thriller has you going through twists and turns, attempting to discover who you can trust in a covert world. Homeland basically follows the story of Sgt Brody, an American soldier captured and held captive by al-Qaeda for seven years, who is rescued and returns to America. Carrie Mathieson, an FBI agent, is the only one who doesn't believe that the returned hero isn't all he says he is - but is she right?

2.) Spotless. This is the first Netflix original on my list, but it definitely won't be my last: they are killing it with these series' at the moment. If you liked Dexter (who didn't?!), you're probably going to love this. Two French brothers living in England get swept up into the world of crime, and take some dark and terrifying twists on their way. One brother owns a cleaning business, and is forced to undertake jobs for a mob, cleaning up bodies and 'incidents' as meticulously as he can. Despite his efforts to remain separate from the crimes he cleans, he is drawn in deeper and deeper to this underground world.

3.) Stranger Things. This had to be on the list really didn't it? If you're behind on the hype, the internet has fallen in love with this TV show. The child actors in it are beyond incredible, and it was the perfect spooky thing to watch in the run-up to Halloween. I am so ready for the second series to come out next year!

4.) White Collar. I love crime dramas and I'm (kind of) not ashamed to show it. White Collar is all about Neal Caffrey, an ex-con, who teams up with the FBI to help capture other criminals. He joins the white collar division because they deal with art crimes and he was arrested for art forgery. The one catch: Neal hasn't entirely given up his old ways, and the temptation from his work might just be too much for him to resist.

5.) Fresh Meat. A show all about the brutal reality of being a fresher in the UK. There's a lot of dark humour in this one, as well as a few touching moments. As an ex-uni student, I loved watching this and thinking 'omg that was so like *insert name here* and I actually watched it with some friends that I went to uni with to make it even better. 

What are your Netflix faves at the moment?

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  1. I am obsessed with Homeland too. If you like shows like that then I definitely recommend NCIS. I am currently binge watching it lol <3

    1. I LOVE NCIS, but I haven't watched any of the new series' in the past few years - I really need to catch up!

      Steph x

  2. Everyone keeps telling me to watch Homeland! I'm going to have start it!

    Anika | anikamay.co.uk

    1. Homeland is amazing, especially if you enjoy thrillers

      Steph x

  3. Fresh Meat sounds interesting :)

    Megan / http://www.meganmarieblogs.blogspot.com


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