27 December 2016

10 Things Your Waitress Doesn't Want To Hear This Festive Season

10 things your waitress doesn't want to hear this festive season. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
1.) 'WHY aren't you open on Christmas day?!' Well it's our one day of holiday a year so let's just agree to disagree on whether we should be open shall we?

2.) 'I know it's not on the menu but ...' 

3.) 'Can we *gestures to 30 people* all pay separately?'

4.) 'Make sure you right our order down correctly'. This is a large part of our jobs, we're sure to do it without the patronising reminder.

5.) 'It's okay, the waitresses will clear up the mess after we leave'

6.) 'Let's pull some crackers' - cue a tonne of mess all over the table

7.) 'I know you didn't cook our meal, but there's something wrong with it and we just want to shout at someone, so you'll do'. Okay, I may have paraphrased this one.

8.) 'Keep the [15p] change as a tip, treat yourself'

9.) 'Oh, you don't sell *insert obscure drink/ale*, well I just don't know what else I could possibly have, what kind of place is this?!'

10.) 'Where's your festive spirit?' Far, far away from you my friend.

This post has turned out to be a little more bitter than I ever imagined, but oh so true. 

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  1. I worked in hospitality last Christmas and the number of people shouting at me because their food was wrong even when I was trying to help got ridiculous. I think people rude to hospitality staff should have to work in hospitality for a while

    The Quirky Queer

    1. It's just so unnecessary to be nasty to people that are trying to help you! I think they should have to give it a go as well

      Steph x

  2. I used to work as a waitress and I 100% feel your pain!!

  3. This is so true! As a waitress, I most definitely, 100% agree with this!! People are just so rude!! x


    1. 'm alwas so shocked by how rude some people can be!

      Steph x

  4. Haha as someone who was a waitress for nearly six years I feel like this is my life!! So funny! "Can we all pay separately?" NO YOU CAN'T!! Great piece doll xx



    1. It's so frustrating when people get annoyed at you when it takes ages to put through all of their separate payments, argh aaha

      Steph x


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