Today I'm living vicariously through this post because I'm on a bit of a self-induced book buying ban due to 'the big move' (which is happening in less than two weeks, and we still haven't found a new place to move into yet, but IT'S FINE). My TBR pile is basically my entire bookshelf at this point, but there are some really great books out there that I NEED to get my hands on.
It's hella scary to think that in five years' time I'll be 28 because that is officially well into ~adulthood~ and I'm meant to have my life in order by then (but then again, 18-year-old me probably thought that the same would be true for now). Earlier this week I wrote a really personal post all about my fears for the future, and whilst it's so important to acknowledge that we're all a bit scared about what the future might include, I think it's important to remember that it's exciting too.
Thinking about the future is absolutely bloody terrifying. It falls into that 'fear of the unknown' category that has me scared of the sea (who knows what nasty creatures are swimming beneath you) and the dark (because if you run up the stairs as soon as you turn the lights off there's no way any monsters/intruders can get you). It's something that we can't control, and that makes it pretty horrifying tbh.
Going on holiday is kinda just the best thing. There's no chores, you're spending quality time with people you love, visiting places you've never seen before and making memories at every turn. It's starting to get to that time of year where we're all thinking about booking a holiday, and we all v much need one because 2018 has been SO COLD so far.
Decluttering things is a massive ballache isn't it? It wounds my fragile little heart to say goodbye to things I've picked up on a whim, or have been hoarding for years and never used. But, with exactly three weeks to go before moving house I need to get my butt in gear. This post was meant to go up a few weeks ago, and whilst I've made a start on the whole declutter, I've not got anywhere near as far as I want to. So, this is a 'kick me up the butt' kinda post, as well as some tips on how and what and when to declutter.
Life feels a bit overwhelming at the moment. From moving house, to having a driving test booked in for less than two weeks' time(!), the adulting is real right now. So, I'm scaling things back to think about all the tiny things that bring a smile to my face, or stop the tears, or just make me feel a little more content. Sometimes it's so easy to overlook all these little things, so this is a reminder to me and to you that there are so many things out there that can make your heart a little happier.
March was one of those months that you spend gearing up for things. Or at least, it was for me. I finally booked my driving test (which I'll be taking later this month, eeek), and we've been hunting for a new home to start renting towards the end of this month. We still haven't found one, or sorted out the house, or made any attempts at packing whatsoever. Can you tell I'm *slightly* stressed about it?
The blogosphere has been absolutely filled with incredible content this month tbh. I've fallen in love again with blogs I haven't read in a long time, I've found so many new ones to read and I've spent a whole lot of time just reading posts again. Basically bloggers have been killing it in March IMO.
I promised myself that after February's book haul got out of hand I'd tone it down this month, but here we are. I've made a pact with myself to only buy books that I think have v pretty covers, which was an attempt to develop some self control. However, now I just have a buttload of beautiful books so I think I'm still the real winner here.