5 November 2015

Warming Vegan Chickpea and Tomato Soup

Autumn is upon us (and by the looks of it Winter is coming too!), and so my mind has turned to making homemade soups. As someone who's lactose intolerant, I often find it incredibly difficult to buy yummy tomato soups that don't have some form of dairy in, so I've been making my own for a couple of years now. However, this week I tried something a little different, by adding chickpeas and haricot beans to my normal recipe.

So, here's what you need for two portions:

1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon tomato puree
1 small red onion
2 cloves garlic
1 small tin of chickpeas
1 small tin of haricot beans
Coconut oil
Fresh basil
Salt and pepper

And here's how you make it:

1.) Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan.
2.) Chop the onion and garlic
3.) Place the onion and garlic in the oil and cook until soft
4.) Add the tomatoes, chickpeas, haricot beans, tomato puree and salt and pepper
5.) Simmer for 15 minutes
6.) Stir in the basil and you're done!

This is a great basic dish that you can add anything that's "on the verge", as I like to call, it in the fridge to - I usually end up putting some red pepper, carrot, peas, green beans, etc. in it: anything goes really! The other great thing about it (which makes it my favourite easy lunch of all time) is that you can bulk make it and freeze a whole load of portions, aka lunch for days!

What's your favourite Autumn soup dish?


  1. As I am a big lover of soup, I thank you for sharing this! I much prefer home made soups in the winter and I am definitely going to try this! I like the idea of adding peppers, my favourite vegetable! You fellow blogger have a new follower!

    Little Ren xxx


    1. Home soups are so much easier and often cheaper too! Thank you <3

      Steph x

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog and love the idea! I just made this last night and it came our wonderful! Much love xxo


    1. Ah brilliant! If you have instagram/twitter I'd love to see a picture

      Steph x


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