21 September 2016

The most comforting mashed potato recipe with Lurpak*

The most comforting mashed potato recipe. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Doesn't this picture just get your taste buds a-tingling for Autumn and Winter foods? I don't know about you, but as the weather gets more dreary and the days become shorter, I turn to old classics in terms of dinners. I also become even more of a potato fiend. I don't know if it's the Irish blood in me (meaning I was raised with potatoes at basically every meal), or the fact that carbs are my no. 1 food group, but I find it hard to turn down a good potatoe-y dish.

Now, mash for me is very much a hit and miss potato style. I think it's probably the hardest to get right, and the hardest to make taste interesting. So, over the past year or so I've been developing my own little recipe to make sure that I don't end up with plain old mashed potato (anyone else got the Bodger and Badger theme tune in their head yet? No?), but something that people would compliment me on if I was enough of an adult to have a dinner party. One day ... 

So, this is what you need to create the perfect mashed potatoes
- potatoes (duh. Maris Pipers are my favourite for this)
- Lurpak Infusions sea salt and pink peppercorn butter
- Mustard seeds
- Chili flakes

- Boil the potatoes for 25-30 minutes to ensure that they are totally lump free. 
- Stir the butter in.
- Add a teaspoon of mustard seeds and a teaspoon of chili flakes. Stir and leave to sink in for five minutes.
- Serve.

I know the whole mustard seed/chili flake and mashed potato combo seems a little odd, but trust me, it tastes gooooood.

How do you make your mash stand out?

*Although there were products gifted to me for this post, it contains my honest opinion and ideas.

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  1. I'm drooling just looking at this, this is my favourite meal I swear.

    Lauren x | http://www.huggled.co.uk/

    1. Hehe it's making me hungry too - it's a total comfort food for me!

      Steph x


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