16 September 2016

Review of 'No Plus One'* by Stephanie Young and Jill Dickman

No Plus One (by Stephanie Young and Jill Dickman) book review. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I *think* this might be the first ever book review I've posted on Nourish ME???? Sometimes I sit back and consider how strange it is that I never cover my love of books over here, even though you all know I did an English Lit degree, so I must at least like them, right? Well *spoiler alert* I do. I actually have an entirely separate blog (which you can check out here) which is dedicated to all of my  book reviews. I think having book reviews on here all the time would clog everything up and mean I post lifestyle/beauty things less often, which is why everything is separate.

Enough of the little intro and shameless secondary blog promo: onto the review, right? The first thing I have to say is that I've never read anything like it. I'm not really a non-fiction kind of gal. Hand me a Hardy or a Shakespeare and I'm good to go, but a non-fiction book will trump me at first and likely send me off to sleep. I don't even read biographies, which are at least partially made up of fact.

However, No Plus One* isn't your ordinary kind of non-fiction book. It's set up as a kind of manual, with each chapter containing a lesson and a piece of homework at the end. The entire book is about dealing with single life as an adult, and honestly? Reminds me a little bit of something you'd find on Vix Meldrew's blog. Which is fab. 

You learn so many things about single life - from why it's important to know who you really are rather than moving from one relationship to the next, to what you should do regarding the 'should I/shouldn't I' sex question. It gently guides you through an entire thought process of considering what you really want out of a relationship. And honestly, if you're umming and ahhing about a relationship you're currently in, I would definitely recommend giving it a whirl.

As someone who's been in a relationship for the past (almost) four years, I found it a truly interesting read, discovering what it was like to be single in adulthood, and how different women respond to it. There's a whole section on how to be a supportive friend when someone is going through a dry spell, and I've taken away so much from that. 

This was a really quick read, coming in at just over 100 pages (I believe), and was genuinely the funniest, most honest thing I've read in a while.

Do you think you would like it?

Although products in this post were gifted to me, all opinions are my own as always.
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