28 March 2021

New Lockdown Book Haul!

Colourful books with their spines facing up

Pretty much all I've done over the last year is read and go for walks in all types of weather. My shelves are heaving with all the new reads I've picked up after being swayed by the internet, and I'm just truly deeply in love with reading again. Admittedly these are my lockdown 1 book buys that I've been meaning to talk about for MONTHS but somewhere between the reading, walking and doing literally nothing, I've dropped the ball on this. They're all books I'm really excited about, and I can't wait to read them all (I've made my way through a couple so far!).

27 March 2021

Testing out my LUSH Sale Picks

A pile of different LUSH products in a flatlay next to a candle

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now after picking up these bits in the yearly post-Christmas LUSH sale, but I thought I'd give myself time to actually try out all of these products. Considering the endless lockdown meaning that I basically never leave my house, it's taken a while to have enough zoom calls to test out the makeup bits!

20 March 2021

Book of the month: Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Cover of 'Such a Fun Age' by Kiley Reid on a kindle, next to a candle

I read a few books I truly loved last month, but this was the one that made me think the most and that really has stuck with me the most. It's been on my mental TBR since last year, and I'm so glad I finally got around to reading it and wish I'd done so sooner. 

15 March 2021

February reading wrap up

Front covers of 'The Midnight Library', 'A Court of Silver Flames', 'Lady Audley's Secret' and 'Such a Fun Age'

I've been totally absent for all of March on here so far because I've been all up in my feelings. It seems surreal that we're basically a year on from the start of Lockdown 1 and are still confined to our homes, hoping that things will change in a few weeks. I've been reading a lot over the last year as pure escapism: I've said goodbye to dystopian fiction, and delved a lot more into fantasy that pulls me away from the horrors of our world.