24 September 2015

Go Gold for September | Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

If you guys didn't already know, September is Clic Sargent's Go Gold month, in which they campaign for all of us to wear gold to inspire awareness about the effects of childhood cancer, as well as raising money for this amazing charity. This is a cause which strikes incredibly close to home for me, and as such me and my sister bought some of Clic's gold ribbon badges, whacked out the gold eyeliner and nail varnish and spread the word!

Now, this is probably going to be the most personal post I've ever done, but I want you guys to know why it is absolutely vital that we support charities like Clic. When I was 10 my younger sister, aged 8 at the time, was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer called Ewing's Sarcoma. The treatment for it was very intense, and the specialists trained to help cure it were located over an hour's drive away. However, opposite the hopsital was a house run by Clic Sargent. It offered a safe space for families and children with cancer to stay so that, if appropriate, they could attend hospital appointments during the day, but go back to somewhere that felt a little more like home. Plus, it meant that I was able to visit her with my dad whilst she was undertaking chemotherapy; thus offering us an invaluable opportunity to spend time with her when we didn't know if her time was going to be cut short. Due to financial difficulties at the time, staying near her would have been utterly impossible without Clic, and all the money people have raised for the charity over the years. So, I implore you - keep up the good work, and raising awareness for childhood cancer throughout this month and the rest of the year!

What charity do you support, and why?

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