2 September 2015

New Haul Needed | Hello LUSH Birmingham (UK)

This is going to be a super quick post about everything I picked up last time I headed out to Birmingham for a little LUSH haul. This may or may not have been inspired by the fact that (cue tears) some of the things are close to running out. 

So, this is probably my favourite ever LUSH haul, and I've enjoyed using every one of the pieces. This is what I picked up:

- Brazened Honey face mask
- Volcano foot mask
- Ice Blue soap (sadly discontinues)
- NEW shampoo bar
- Jasmine and Henna Fluff Ease hair mask

Have you tried any of the products? 


  1. Absolutely love there products!



    1. There's nothing better to pamper yourself with!

      Steph x


I read each and every one of your comments, and really appreciate the time you've taken to add them! If you want or need a more immediate response then contact me through my twitter @stephhartley4. Thank you!