21 September 2015

Summer Favourites

As summer draws to an abrupt end, I've been reflecting over the things that have aided my beauty and lifestyle regimes these past few months. It's been a summer of change for me: getting my first full time job, graduating, and officially moving out of my family home. As such, it's had it's ups and downs, but here's what helped me through:

Benefit's foamingly clean facewash: this was my absolute skin saviour when I went on holiday to Spain in June, keeping my face free of grease, despite smothering it in sun cream!

2015 - 2016 Paperchase diary: I'm such a disorganised person that this forces me to keep a track of what I'm doing and when! 

Paperchase list pad: this has become my new blogging essential! I use it to keep track of ideas about blog posts, make blogging schedules, and keep a tab of what photos I need to take. 

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: I've heard so much about this book that I had to get my hands on it to see what it was all about. And so far it has not disappointed; as soon as I get a few days off of work I'm going to make notes on the remainder of the book that I haven't gotten to yet and (hopefully) revolutionize the state of my house.

L'oreal True Match foundation: does what it says on the tin! It gives really great coverage, and manages to cover up all of my blemishes. I'd definitely rate this as the best foundation I've ever tried.

LUSH New shampoo bar: this was the first shampoo bar I've ever used and it smells beautiful. It also lasts super long, so don't be deceived by its size!

What have been your favourites this summer?

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