3 August 2017

5 Netflix Originals you NEED to watch

5 Netflix Originals you NEED to watch

Netflix is a godsend for the modern day introvert. You can binge watch your fave program without advert interruptions, and can do it wherever you want: you're not restricted to your TV. I for one am a massive fan. It got me through TV-less student life, and now that we're living in an actual adult rented property, we've found that all we need is this and amazon prime. I mean, we totally intended on getting a Sky subscription and have the TV licence for it, but I'm not sure how I would handle only watching one episode of a show at a time. I mean, who does that???

Netflix originals used to be pretty shite. IMO anyway. But in the last couple of years they've definitely come into their own and now I'm obsessed. They're pretty much all I watch on Netflix at the moment and I canNOT wait for some new seasons of my faves to come out. So, here are my top 5 must-see Netflix Originals: 

1.) Orange is the New Black. This is the first Netflix original that really made it big and I can 100% see why. It celebrates diversity in all its forms, and is the first mainstream show I've watched that has unapologetically shown what being a trans* individual is really like. It features a cast which isn't whitewashed, and covers some really important topics. Each series just gets better and better in tackling political issues and taboos.

2.) Riverdale. This is totally different, and a bit of an easy, fun watch. Not that OITNB isn't, but this is targeted at a younger audience I believe. So far there's only one season of Riverdale, and I've not finished it yet, so NO SPOILERS PLS, but I'm hooked. It tracks the murder of high school football star Jason Blossom, and I'm very excited to find out what actually happened to him. Plus, I fall a little bit more in love with Jughead as I watch each episode.

3.) 13 Reasons Why. This had me shook to my core. It comes with a massive trigger warning from me about self harm, suicide and sexual assault. It's incredibly powerful. Each episode in the series is one side of a tape recording that Hannah made for the thirteen people who gave her cause to kill herself. It makes you think about your impact on others' lives. My one problem is that the way it is played out suggests that Hannah can get some kind of retribution for her death, and almost see what's going on post-mortem. 

4.) Spotless. This is definitely the least well known of my five, but 100% worth a mention. If you enjoyed Dexter (which isn't a Netflix OG but is one of the best TV series' ever), then you'll porbably enjoy this. It follows the story of a Frenchman, Jean Bastiere, living in London, whose brother turns up one day with a corpse in his van. It's a dark comedy, in which the pair get dragged into a criminal underworld via a series of accidental situations.

5.) Stranger Things. I couldn't leave this out, could I?! This rocked everyone's world last Autumn, and totally has the added benefit of reminding me of that time of year (which FYI is my fave). Stranger Things is all about a small town in America in which a young boy goes missing. No one knows what's going on, but his mum is convinced he's still alive. Will is indeed alive, but he's not exactly in the same place as his mum is anymore. It's creepy and thrilling and season two is coming out soon so ya better get watching. 

What's your favourite Netflix original series? I need more to watch!

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  1. Riverdale has been on my watch list! It's not a Netflix original though and I think they are currently showing the second season, in the US anyways. ♥


    1. Oh no, really?! I thought it was. Either way, it's amazing, I love it!

      Steph x

  2. Riverdale is on my to watch list. I just haven't gotten around to it yet! I started watching OITNB and then I cancelled my subscription to Netflix for like a year and so couldn't watch S2, and when I came back to Netflix I didn't really bother with it. But I must! I loved S1. It's just finding the time. Haha. So excited for the new season of Stranger Things though :D x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. I LOVE Riverdale so much, I don't remember the last time I was this obsessed with a show. OITNB is such an important thing to watch in my opinion! Me neither, it's going to make for great watching during Autumn

      Steph - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

  3. I really should get Netflix to watch these, I've heard really good things about Stranger Things!x


    1. I much prefer watching Netflix to 'normal' tv nowadays. No adverts and the ability oto binge watch one show has me hooked haha

      Steph x

  4. OITNB is one of my all time faves & 13 Reasons Why was really good too! I still need to give Stranger Things a go though! Ciara - www.ciarascorner.co.uk xx

    1. OITNB is just incredible! I think you'll love Stranger Things, it's fab

      Steph x


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