20 September 2017

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update

August favourites and life update
August was an incredible month for me (and September's turning out to be even better eeeek). I know this post is massively overdue (just like last months, ooops), but as I said then, I love writing these posts and having a little catch up. So even if no one reads it, I still can look back and see what was going on for me.

In August I got my dream job. I've been searching for something new for what feels like forever, but is actually five months. Early in August I accepted a job at a place that was definitely not the dream, but was a step up from where I was. However, 2 days in I got offered the dream from a company that I'd interviewed at a few months previously. Yes, it was awkward, and after 4 days of my new job I quit. But, when an opportunity like this presents itself, you can hardly say no. 

I'm unbelievably happy and enjoying the new job so much. It feels like a perfect fit for me, and I'm finally actually doing something with my degree. It's been a bit tough getting used to a routine - I'm not sure how I feel about the early mornings yet, but overall it's fab.

I also visited Brighton for the first time in August and it was everything I had hoped for and more. We picked up the dreamiest 21st birthday cake for my sister from Choccywoccydoodah and had the best few days exploring the city. 

I've waffled on about my life for long enough now, so let's get down to the favourites.

I re-read Harry Potter 1 and 2 last month and 100% fell back in love with the world of Hogwarts. I now can't wait to read the rest and also I want to buy allll the merch I can get my hands on. Primark, here I come!

Autumn is starting to creep in now (finally), and when my mum popped down to visit she treated me to the most gorgeous little brown ankle boots from New Look. I love the gold detailing on them and they're comfy enough for my long-ass half hour walk to work. Win win.

I've got a few little beauty bits to chat about this month because I'm trying to get a skincare routine in place again. Send tips and advice on that one pls.

I am totally obsessed with my Bath and Body Works lavender and sandalwood shower gel. I got it when I was over in the States and it's the best thing I've ever smelt. It's a perfect little morning treat that keeps me relaxed as I get ready for work. I'm still praying for the day that B&BW comes to the UK and then I'm going to order this in by the boatload.

Another skin care related favourite is Korres' yogurt hand cream. I've spoken about this in more detail here, but I'll just say that it's very thick and creamy, so has been doing wonders at keeping my hands happy and chap free. 

My last beauty favourite is something that I honestly might have talked about before, but it would have been quite a while ago. I recently got back into using my Monsoon Rose Gold perfume, and remembered why I used it in the first place. It's such a sophisticated (for me) scent, and I love it. The bottle is small enough to slip into your bag easily and it's a subtle scent that manages to linger all day, which is exactly what I want. 

Aaaand my final favourite is the Zoella Lazy Days candle. This has become my go-to 'I'm having a pamper in the bath' candle because of its musky autumnal scent. It makes me feel completely zen, and I'm so glad I've got a couple of these tucked away around the house!

I filmed a quick favourites video for my Youtube channel too. Check it out below:

What were you loving in August?

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  1. Nice round of favorites! Those boots are so cute and that Zoella candle sounds heavenly! ♥


    1. Thank you - the Zoella candle is one of my all time favourite candles!

      Steph x

  2. Well done on nabbing the job,must of been stressful but worth it :) I need new boots badly,do they come in black?I haven’t tried anything from b&bw bodycare range,apart from some bubble bath!Join the fab group for the uk,that’s where I get my b&bw candles,mists,anti backs etc etc,it’ll leave you broke but you’ll smell gorgeous!I haven’t smelt that zoella candle yet but I have the Christmas festive one,it smells lovely x

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad I got it in the end. These boots do come in black too! Ooooh I think I'll have to join that group (though my bank account says no haha)

      Steph x

  3. Anonymous27/9/17 15:02

    Those boots are so nice! I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I'm so pleased for you landing your dream job! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. Eek thank you so much Aimee! Also these boots are practically never off my feet, I love them so much haha

      Steph x


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