15 June 2018

25 things I want to do before turning 25: Two years on

25 things I want to do before turning 25: Two years on

Our priorities change as we age, but a couple of years ago I wrote down a big list of 25 things I really wanted to do before I hit the age of 25. After celebrating my 24th birthday almost a fortnight ago, the pressure's now on in this last year to get up to scratch and find my way through this big ol' list.

Although I haven't ticked masses off of the list, the bits that I have achieved are ones I'm well and truly proud of. Everything that I achieved before my last birthday I've just striked, whilst this year's ones are the big bold baddies.

1.) Learn to drive
I'm so proud of this one! I got my pink license through in the post earlier this week after passing my test last month (second time around, like all the best drivers). Now I need to get insurance sorted and I can be a little more independent. Learning to drive has been such a massive goal for me, and it feels so great to finally have done it.

2.) Pay my parents back all the money they used to support me whilst I was at uni

3.) Settle down in a town

4.) Have an organised self-care routine that I stick to

5.) Travel to a different continent

6.) Volunteer in some way

7.) Own a whole shelf of tsum tsums

8.) Learn how to do winged eyeliner properly

9.) Find a career I love
This is also a huge win for me. I absolutely adore my current job. I started working in for a publishing company as an editorial assistant last August and honestly it is just the dream. The hours are flexible, the staff are lovely and best of all I've finally got into the career that I did my degree for. I've wanted to work in publishing since I was 15 and I still have little pinch me moments when I think that I finally got where I wanted to be.

10.) Frame my degree certificate

11.) Be living with someone I love

12.) Have enough savings to put down a payment on a flat or house

13.) Have enough money to go on an IKEA spending spree.

14.) Start relying more on homeopathic medicine.
My boyfriend's mum is a homeopath, and whilst I'm not fully convinced on everything, it's nice to keep your options open. I've been using homeopathic medicine more and more to combat issues.

15.) Maintain good relationships with all of my family members.
Over the past year or so I've learnt to stop bottling my opinions up and let family members know that their behaviour is not okay whilst keeping a cool head myself. Whilst there are still ups and downs, things are a lot more stable now, and I feel as though everything is settled.

16.) Be able to emotionally and financially support my sister. 

17.) Have a pretty, organised desk space for my freelance/blogging work

18.) Learn some basic calligraphy

19.) Try kayaking and karate
Whilst I've still not got around to the whole karate thing, I did go kayaking in Brighton last August as part of a weekend away for my sister's 21st. It was wet and a little chilly, but also hilarious and made for some great memories.

20.) Get good enough at yoga to do the crow

21.) Still enjoy blogging

22.) Continue to improve my photography skills
In the past couple of months I really feel as though I've found my footing with my photography, discovering what I enjoy and ways to manipulate my photos to make them more aesthetically pleasing. Whilst I still have a long way to go, it's nice to look back on photos from last year, or the year before (or god forbid even the year before that) and see how things have changed.

23.) Learn to love myself

24.) Go to Disneyworld (Florida)

25.) Have developed my own sense of style

I'm counting my 23rd year as a massive win. I've achieved some things that I've aspired to for a long LONG time, and everything feels a whole lot more positive than it did this time last year. Now I've just got to keep it up for the next year!


  1. You've made a really good start on your list! Hope you can get the rest crossed off soon :) Tania Michele xx

    1. Thank you! I'm really pleased to have ticked some big things off, but a little worried I only have a year to go!

      Steph x

  2. Congratulations on passing your driving test. Kayaking sounds like a lot of fun tbh! Well done on the goals you've achieved:)

    1. Thank you so much! Kayaking wasn't my favourite thing in the world, but I'm glad I gave it a go

      Steph x

  3. You accomplish so much! I have a lot of the similar goals and I'm turning 25 next month, ugh!

    I would love to hear more about number 15. I bottle up most of my emotions when it comes to my family and I know it's not healthy so I would love to hear some tips on how you were able to maintain a healthy relationship with your family.. ♥


    1. Thank you so much! Eeek it must be coming up soon - I hope you have a great birthday. I found it really tough to be honest, I distanced myself a little and found that then I could stay calmer whilst trying to tell them how I really felt about things

      Steph x

  4. Anonymous20/6/18 12:25

    You've done so well! You've hit some really important, big goals; like learning to drive, and having a job you love. Way to go. x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. Thank you so much! They felt so unachievable at first and I'm so glad I've done them

      Steph x

  5. You have achieved so much. I'm really proud of you. Learning to drive is such a massive achievement and one that I really hope I can achieve one day x

    1. Thank you so much Nicole, that really means a lot to me! Learning to drive was terrifying but so worth it

      Steph x


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