16 June 2018

I went a week without internet (and it was great)

I went a week without internet (and it was great) - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Moving house is basically the most inconvenient thing in the world. Packing, changing addresses on everything (and always missing a few things you're signed up to), finding a new home, unpacking, aligning your move in and out dates. It's an absolute bitch. And once you get there, you are lucky enough to have no internet/TV/anything nice for a few weeks because of the constant delay on installations that every internet supplier has.

I was completely prepared to hate everything about being internet-less: no posting on Insta, no blogging, no Netflix, no mindless scrolling (my fave procrastination activity tbh), but it ended up being exactly what I needed. I've never seen the need for a digital detox, or had the urge to go with one, but a week of internet-less life has actually helped me to see the positives, and feel happy about taking a step back sometimes.

The thing that I found hardest was feeling guilty, along with the FOMO of course. I felt guilty that I was 'wasting' my time relaxing, watching old DVDs, and not pushing content out or trying to grow my Insta. But a couple of days in that faded. Not having access to the internet meant that I had to accept my newfound freedom, and that is what it was really like. I cleaned up our new home, rearranging everything to make it exactly as I wanted. This house is a place where I feel safe and genuinely at home, and I don't remember the last time I ever felt like that. I really think this first week of bonding with the house made a massive difference.

I pumped my energy into things that I love but had lost a little amidst a need to be present online all the time. I read a whole lot more, and I spent hours pouring my heart into my bullet journal. My boyfriend and I spent more quality time together than we had done in a long time, and it's made our new home filled with happy memories of full on big laughs at the DVDs we watched, unpacking our big IKEA trip, deciding where to put everything and just actually appreciating each other's company.

All in all, I needed that week away from the internet. I've realised that I don't have to force myself to be present online as much as possible, especially when taking a step back gives me time to engage with the things that really matter.

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  1. Great post Steph! A digital detox has crossed my mind too, I think the internet is such a big thing now, it’s weird not to have it for long periods of time. There was an interesting interview on a radio station this week which was talking about how taking a break from social media is great for creativity. It really struck a chord with me and since then I’ve been doing more of other things like drawing and gardening. Lovely to hear your thoughts too! :-) xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you so much Helen! I've always thought they were a bit pointless, but I've definitely changed my mind, I hope you've been having a great time drawing and gardening!

      Steph x

  2. I think its so useful to have that time away! I always find I read so much more when I have no internet! x

    1. I really think it is! Yes - all that time I normally spend scrolling I spend reading instead, and it's so much nicer

      Steph x

  3. Because our internet provider sucks these days (sometimes weeks) without wifi occasionally happen. At first it sucks because you feel like you should be doing "something productive" but after a few days it feels so refreshing. ♥


    1. I'm glad you can see the silver lining in it - I would be very frustrated! But it's definitely good to have down time away from it all

      Steph x

  4. Anonymous20/6/18 12:22

    Digital detoxes are really important, I think. We can all get so wrapped up in our online lives, that our real lives fall by the wayside. So I get why you enjoyed your week of no internet! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. I think that's so true, it can be so easy to get absorbed by what's going on online, and lose track of everything else!

      Steph x

  5. I've only ever had a day free of the internet, and I remember feeling a lot better afterwards. Maybe I need to do it again soon! :) Tania Michele xx

    1. I think taking a day off is still a fab idea every now and then, just to hit refresh on life!

      Steph x


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