12 July 2021

'The Longest Holiday' by Paige Toon review

'The Longest Holiday' by Paige Toon review

This is the second Paige Toon book I've read and ultimately I just think I'm not a fan of her writing. So many people rave about her books so I tried this second time and I still just noped out of there. I'm a big romance fan, but the plot for this was something I just didn't really enjoy.

The Longest Holiday is about a woman called Laura who finds out her husband got another woman pregnant on a one night stand at his bachelor party. Distraught and not sure whether her marriage is salvageable, Laura heads to Florida for a two-week long holiday with her best gal pals to try and get her head back in gear and work out what she wants to do. There she meets Leo, a local who works with his family on tourist dives, and she finds she can't quite get him out of her head. Meanwhile her husband back in the UK is doing all he can to convince her to stay with him.

The book was an interesting one - there were a few strands of plot going on, which made it move a little quicker, but overall I found the whole thing dragged. I struggled to understand why her and Leo got together - she was still married and stringing her husband along, her and Leo knew nothing about each other, and he spent most of their time together sulking and revealing as little as possible about himself. It was an odd setup of her apparently being completely in love with her husband and within weeks of discovering his infidelity, setting up a whole new life to be with another man. I didn't find Leo or her husband attractive in either of their personalities and the whole book felt vindictive and forced. 

I gave this 2 stars because I felt the plotline with the bachelor part screw up was an interesting one, and there were parts of the book I found gripping, despite my overall dislike.

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