25 October 2015

Halloween Decor | Orange is the New Black

Everybody loves a little bit of festive decoration (unless you're some kind of year-long festive Scrooge!), so I've compiled a collation of my favourite decor items this year.

Yankee Candles are pretty much the best decorative item in my house - they're so interchangeable, perfect as gifts and transform the entire scent and atmosphere of my home. I decided to order candy corn, witches brew and their spider web votive holder to make my home that little bit more spooky. 

I made my first foray into halloween baking this year as well - with the help of a much more artistically inclined housemate for the decorations on top! A Tiger store has just opened in my home town and I think I've fallen a tiny bit in love. I managed to grab these awesome cupcake holders, flags and fake spiders for a teensy price. Plus, a tube of orange and black gel food colouring made a perfect topping for these red velvet cupcakes!

How are you decorating for halloween this year? 


  1. Those cakes look amazing!!! I am surprised I haven't seen those candles yet, especially when I am a candle lover myself!

    Charlotte - http://www.alifeofacharlotte.com/

    1. The witches brew one in particular smells amazing!

      Steph x

  2. I've been collecting some halloween items to my student's party next Saturday.

  3. sooo amazing !! I love halloween : )
    please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS


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