8 September 2014

My first ever LUSH haul!

My first ever LUSH haul! Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

My first ever LUSH haul! Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

My first ever LUSH haul! Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

My first ever LUSH haul! Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I've always had a soft spot for LUSH (and not only because it smells so good every time you walk past!) and the ethos they exhibit through all of their products and services. Unfortunately, there isn't one in the town I live in whilst at university, so I took the plunge whilst I was at home this summer and grabbed a few bits and bobs that I really wanted needed in my life.

Chewing my lip (ugh) is my number one bad habit. Okay, okay, well it's close to the top at least. So, my lips are always in need of some extra little care. I've been using the Mint Julips lip scrub for a couple of weeks and although it hasn't exactly produced miracles, I have noticed that the skin on my lips is a lot less flaky and hard. It also smells amazing: think mint chocolate chip ice cream, mmmm.

The charity pot hand and body lotion was one of those impulse buys you make at the till. Yep, those little stands with things to buy whilst your shopping is being rung through work on someone. Plus, all of the profits from these little pots go to charity, so it was hard to say no! I get quite chapped hands in the winter, but I've found in the past that hand creams are always a bit too greasy for my skin. So far this one seems a bit better, and it smells quite good too, which is always a plus. 

And finally I picked up Love Lettuce. I've got a whole post on all the different LUSH face masks, and how they compare to each other here, so you can see how Love Lettuce fares against the rest! I have combination skin, which means that a face mask that moisturises my skin without making it too greasy can be hard to find. However, I think I'm onto a winner. A member of staff at the store I purchased it from suggested that it was the best one they sold for combination skin, and that it is designed to make your skin glow. I've used it twice now and it hasn't let me down on either front. My skin feels soft, moisturised, and (most importantly) I come away from the process feeling completely refreshed. 

What are your favourite LUSH products at the moment?

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