23 August 2015

Don't Look Back in Anger | Jungle Park, Tenerife

The past few weeks I've been feeling a bit off-balance, a bit glum, and a bit in danger of slipping back into old habits. Largely this is because we haven't had an oven or grill(!) since the beginning of August, so my diet has gone massively off the wagon to say the least. BUT, to cheer myself up I've been reminding myself of all the amazing experiences I've had this summer, and one of the highlights was definitely heading to Jungle Park when me and the boy sunned it up in Tenerife for a week. 

Reminiscing over "better times" always has the added danger of making you slip into an even greater pit of self pity - the whole "why can't I just go back to that day and relive it" thing is something I'm prone to do. So, I'm determined to stop that mentality and not get frustrated about how much better that day was in comparison to this day. INSTEAD, good memories are there to make us happy - so I'm going to use this post to remind me that life is great, and full of wonders.

Anyway, the park itself was so beautiful. Although it was our most expensive day out of the entire holiday, it was possibly the most exciting. We headed to a jungle inland on the island. Exploring the park was my favourite part of the experience, as the place was full of rope bridges and little nooks and crannies to get through.

What do you do to cheer you up- when you're glum?


  1. I do the same when I'm feeling down - look through old photos from previous adventures and have a good old reminisce!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's really great isn't it. Pictures are such an amazing way to capture memories

      Steph x


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