7 August 2015

Help for Tired Toes | LUSH Volcano Foot Mask

Summer has come, and with it comes more time on our feet! As I've recently started my first nearly full time job after graduating mid-July (eeek!), I've noticed a lot more wear and tear on my feet. So, when I headed to the LUSH store in Birmingham and noticed the Volcano foot mask, I HAD to have it.

You guys will know by now that I'm a fan of all things mask - hair mask, face mask, you name it: if it's going to nourish your skin I want it. 

All you need to do with this is pop it on your feet, wrap them to keep the moisture in and wash it off again. This was such a simple treatment for the fab results I (and my sister who gave it a go as well) ended up with. 

What's your go-to for nourishing your tired toes?


  1. Ooh I've not heard of this before but it sounds lovely - I'm all for looking after my feet as I work as a carer so they're always tired and sore! I'll have to look out for this next time I'm in Lush :)

    Jess xo
    via #abeautyloverslinkup

    1. I work on my feet all day and it was so nice to give them a little extra loving

      Steph x

  2. OMG I LOVE your photos - make me want to do a foot mask right now- on tonights to do list x

    1. Thank you! It was so much fun

      Steph x


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