10 August 2016

John Frieda Miraculous Recovery Shampoo and Conditioner

John Frieda Frizz Ease Shampoo and Conditioner review. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

John Frieda Frizz Ease Shampoo and Conditioner review. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Me hair means a lot to me, and as such I really do try to take good care of it. I know that sounds super vain, but after seeing my sister lose her hair as a child, I've always been super paranoid about my own falling out. This seems to jar a little bit with the fact that I obviously dye my hair, but this has been something I've only done in the past year, as I combatted my fears of hair dye to do something I've wanted to do for so long. I've got quite naturally thick hair (thank you genes) and so it's basically unmanageable. You know that hair which instantly retangles after being brushed? Yep, that kind of hair.  

I usually go for more natural shampoo and conditioner sets, such as solid shampoos from LUSH (post here) and ones that contain no SLS. But, every so often I get into the treat yo' self mindset and go for one that promises a 'wow' result in exchange for a few added chemicals. So, I picked up John Frieda's Frizz Ease Miraculous Recovery shampoo and conditioner. This promised to help my hair not only stay frizz free (let's face it, in the recent humidity in the UK I need this) as well as to help it come back to strength after all the dyeing and heat damage I've done to it. So basically this is everything I wanted at the beginning of summer for my hair.

These ultimately did wonders for my frizz levels. Usually I go to work with my hair up in a bun and have about 72834 baby hairs chilling all around my face where they've escaped from my attempts to control them within the first hour. But with this my hair actually maintained self-control for the first time ever! My hair has been so manageable in this heat, and I think this will have to be my go-to summer shampoo from now on. Goodbye humid frizz, hello smooth hair. 

Have you ever tried this one? What's your go-to been this summer?

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  1. Holllllyyyyy molyyyy your hair looks incredible! LOVE the colour and the style and omg so hideously jealous of how thick and voluminous it looks! <3 <3 <3 All the hair goals.


    1. Oh my god thank you so much! This comment has totally made my day :>

      Steph x

  2. It sounds like we have the exact same hair type.. My hair is so thick & baby hairs are a constant battle haha (never the best look when they're popping out randomly) so this product sounds like a life saver! x


    1. Ah hopefully this post was helpful then! Baby hairs are the worst haha

      Steph x


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