8 August 2016

Visiting Leamington Spa and Making Cocktails

Visiting leamington spa and making cocktails. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Visiting leamington spa and making cocktails. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Visiting leamington spa and making cocktails. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Visiting leamington spa and making cocktails. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Moving away from the town that has been my home for the past three years broke my heart a little, I'm not going to lie. I've made some of the best of friends there, worked my absolute butt off, got my first real job, graduated and bought my first ever pet that's really mine in that town. Although I was super glad to move out of my student house, moving to a new town has definitely been tough for me, especially with my mental health. I've moved away from living with one of my closest friends, and living five doors down from another, to being in the middle of nowhere in a town in which my social life is non-existent. 

So, when one of these lovely ladies had her beautiful baby boy a couple of weeks ago I knew I had to go back. Me and my boyfriend needed to sort out the final bits on our student house, which we'll be officially free of after paying our final bills (thank god!), so it was the perfect time to head down for a couple of days. I had the best of time having newborn baby cuddles with the weeniest little two week old bubba and it was so nice to catch up with his mum, a lady that I couldn't miss more now that I live far away!

We then headed over to a different part of Leamington to spend the evening and stay the night with my old housemate. It feels so strange not to live with her anymore - no more facemask and Vampire Diaries binge nights for me *cue crying*! So, we decided to make the night extra special with a little round of cocktail making (of course). Is there anything better than a night in with your girly in your PJs and a cheeky glass of tipple? Nah. She's a little more experienced than me in the cocktail making department, so I handed the responsibility over and designated myself as Number One Cocktail Taster and Photographer. Of course. 

Here's how we made the gorgeous cocktails I snapped above. To start, we bought a cocktail syrup set with simple coloured sugar and a bottle of prosecco. We had mango, raspberry, mandarin and grapefruit flavours and they were heavenly. This set actually came from ALDI, so it was by no means an expensive cocktail making session! Sorting out the sugar rim was the hardest part for sure: we had to pop the sugar on a plate, make the rim of the glass wet and then swirl it in the sugar. We then popped a shot's worth of syrup in each glass, and filled the rest up with prosecco. Finally we slotted a raspberry on the rim of the glass, because, aesthetics y'know? 

These were such fun and easy to cocktails to make and I had a great time visiting a town that opened its arms to me!

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  1. Girls nights in are seriously the best <3

    -Clarissa @ The View From Here

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