19 January 2017

3 Bloggers Whose Content I'm loving this month

3 bloggers whose content I'm loving this month (Jan 2017). Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

This year I'm determined to share the love for/with my fellow bloggers a little more. Retweeting fab posts on Twitter, loving things on Bloglovin and actually taking the time out to comment on Instagram posts are all things I want to get more involved in. I've also decided to set up this little monthly round-up of blogs that I've been loving.  

It seems like I've read a tonne of blog posts recently, but hardly any have totally stuck in my mind. As soon as I considered writing this post however, there were three bloggers that instantly came to mind ...

First up is Vix, aka Vix Meldrew. Vix is queen of the internet dating sphere and has been rocking out some absolutely hilarious posts this year so far. She's nailed the art of creating succint, well written lists that have you chuckling at your screen. My personal favourite this month was her post on '10 thoughts everyone has during a blowjob'.

Second, we have Rhianna with her blog Robowecop. I'm not sure whether I love her blog or Instagram more (if you haven't checked the latter out yet then go do so, it's absolute goals), but either way it's a close call. I was pretty excited to see her blog post on where Robowecop will be going in the next year, but there was another post that truly captured my attention. You see, Rhianna is Queen of the 'grams, and she put out a post titled '9 tips for growing your Instagram'. And it wasn't just the standard 'be active', 'comment on things', 'make sure everything is related to your brand' bullshit. It was actually insightful and useful and has totally changed the way I deal with Instagram. And my engagement has soared as a pretty direct result of reading this post.

And finally, Emma from Essays and Wine has been making posts that just make me sit back and think for DAYS. Emma's blog makes me feel like a stronger woman just by reading it, and I love that. She covers everything from body positivity to dealing with relationships and single life. It's right up my street, and her post on having casual sex, and why it's no one else's business was quite simply amazing. It's a big, and sort of gentle, fuck you to anyone who thinks they can pry their nose into other people's lives, and is something that totally needs to be said on the internet more often.

So there we have it, my three faves of the month. I'm hoping to make this a monthly thing so let me know if you guys liked it! Also, did you notice the cheeky little rebrand? I'm in love with my new design.

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  1. I love posts like this, it's so nice to see bloggers supporting each other. I'll be sure to check these blogs out :) x


    1. They're all so fab! I think we need to support each other more hehe

      Steph x


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