6 January 2017

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

2016 highlights and what I'm looking forward to in 2017. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I know we've all probably seen enough 2016/2017 blog posts to last us a decade, but I'm in love with them. I've read so many recently, and everyone has something different to say. It's also so nice to see people making goals, achieving things they're proud of, and feeling inspired for the new year. I also know that I've written a few of these New Year style posts already, but I just can't (and won't) stop. 

I've had a pretty rubbish start to 2017 if I'm honest. I was working New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and I've been struck down with a pretty bad bout of poor mental health. I've been struggling to do even the simplest of tasks, like showering, or cooking myself dinner. This has been extra hard as I see everyone getting to grips with their New Year's resolutions and starting 2017 off with a bang, whilst I'm left trailing behind.

So, to perk me up and remind me that this relapse in how bad my anxiety/depression is won't stay forever, I thought I'd look back on all the fab things the past year has held for me. 

2016 started off pretty well. I spent the first week in January skiing for the first time. This was both terrifying and exhilarating, and I pushed myself further out of my comfort zone than I ever have done in my life. Looking back now, it seems almost surreal that I managed it. Skiing in the snowy mountains of the Alps with my boyfriend; sipping on ciders to warm our bellies up between runs; trying out a whole truckload of new foods. Now when I look back on it I can see how dreamy this holiday was, but at the time I was living in fear every moment for the next challenge. Having said that, I 100% would go back again.

After this I had six months off of work due to my poor mental health. I won't lie, it was a rubbish six months. I had no motivation, no money and quite simply no happiness. Moving out of a rubbish student house in June helped so much. I finally managed to get myself back into a state in which I could start a part-time job again. This still feels like such a massive achievement for me, especially as I've stuck at it and I'm still there now. 

I moved in to a new home with my boyfriend. Although we've lived together for the past four years or so, it's always been with other people too. This was our first opportunity to really have a place to ourselves and I love it. Being in my own space, with furniture and decor that we chose ourselves has done wonders for my mental health. Plus, it meant that I got to host Christmas for the first time, which was absolutely exhausting but so, so worth it. 

So, how can 2017 top 2016? Well, for starters I have a job still. It's not the second week of January yet, but I'm fighting my horrible moods to keep going in for all my shifts. There's also something really damn exciting happening that I have kept quiet from you all until now. I may have given some hints in the pictures for this post, but guys I AM GOING TO FUCKING DISNEYWORLD. Yep, in April I'll be heading off to Florida with an assortment of family members and my boyfriend to spend a good two weeks exploring this state. If you've got any suggestions other than the obvious then please please hit me up with them. We'll be staying in my uncle's house in Davenport and I just cannot wait. 

Up until April I'll be doing a whole lot of saving. My tips are all going away in my Snow White jar that you have to smash to open. No cheeky maccies from my tips for me anymore. But, after this holiday I'm going to be using my money to start learning how to drive. I ordered my provisional license on the last day of 2016 and it arrived yesterday (eeeek). I'm so so scared about doing this, but I know it'll be worth it.

What are you looking forward to in 2017?

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  1. I hope you have a much better 2017! I bet you're so excited for Disney world, that's like a dream come true kind of trip!! I hope you take lots of pictures and blog about it too :D


    1. I am beyond excited, eeeeek! It really is. I will be making a TONNE of posts about it I imagine

      Steph x

  2. I hope 2017 gets better for you! Going to Disney land and learning to drive sounds amazing! You are going to have such a fun time! Wishing you all the best xx


    1. Thank you so much. I am SO scared about learning to drive, but I'm hoping I'll be able to push through my anxiety

      Steph x

  3. Hoping that you have a much better 2017! So exciting that you're heading to Disney World too! My absolutely favourite place in the world and I know you'll have the most incredible time! :)

    Lizzie xx

    1. I've seen so many of your IG posts on it and it looks incredible! I think I;ll have to catch up on some of your vlogs closer to the time to see what the best bits are

      Steph x


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