24 February 2017

New In: Korres Lavender Blossom Range*

New in: Korres Lavender Blossom range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

New in: Korres Lavender Blossom range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

New in: Korres Lavender Blossom range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

New in: Korres Lavender Blossom range. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
Lavender is hands down my favourite scent of all time. I know it has a bit of a rep for being a 'granny' scent, but quite honestly I simply don't care. It relaxes me, I don't find it overpowering, and it's about the only floral scent that my nose enjoys. Hand me a LUSH Twilight bath bomb and some lavender chocolate (yes, that's totally a thing, and you can get it here), and I'll be your friend forever.

We all know how much I love Korres' skincare as well. None of their products have ever made my sensitive skin flare up, and they have a big focus on looking after the environment they impact with their products. The latter is something I really look for in a company. 

I've spoken about my anxiety and water before, but I'll reiterate it here: water makes my anxiety go a bit wild. Now, I'm not talking about drinking the stuff, but swimming, going near the sea, showering and even having baths can all make it flare up. It's a pain, and I've gotten so much better with it over the past couple of years, but it still exists. So, getting shower time right is really important for me, and that includes having a shower gel I like. It sounds silly, but using a product that relaxes me helps me get motivated to hop in and out of the shower every day.

Lavender is renowned for having relaxing properties. I know some people don't find it to have that effect on them, but I do. A good shower or bath with a lather of the lavender blossom shower gel* makes me feel so chill and ready to start the day. Popping the Korres lavender blossom body milk* on afterwards locks in the scent to follow me around all day (or night), and I love that. 

Plus, more florals means Spring is coming, right? I've had blooming daffodils on my mantelpiece, and a bunch of tulips on my desk this week: these make me SO happy. The evenings are getting lighter, the weather is starting to warm up and - lo and behold - the elusive good blog photography light is starting to creep back in. I'm happy to be welcoming Spring in smelling like sweet lavender, and I'm not ready to hit the end of the bottle! P.S: M & S are doing 2 for 1 on Korres products at the moment!

What shower gel are you bringing into Spring?

*Although this post contains gifted products, all opinions are my own as always*

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