10 June 2017

25 things I want to do before turning 25: one year on

25 things I want to do before turning 25: one year on. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

25 things I want to do before turning 25: one year on. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
Around this time last year, I wrote down 25 things I wanted to do over the coming three years, as I turned 22. I'd just moved out of my last student home, and it really felt like the beginning of adulthood. I've had some of the goals in the back of my mind over the last year; some I've been actively working towards, some have just slotted into place, and quite honestly, some are things that I'm not sure I class as any kind of priority any more. 

One year on, I've decided to look back to remind myself of all the things I've achieved, and what I want to be working towards over the next couple of years. Here's what's changed:

1.) Learn to drive
Although I haven't completed this one, I have actually bought my provisional license and I have my first ever driving lesson next week, eeek!

2.) Pay my parents back all the money they used to support me whilst I was at uni

3.) Settle down in a town
I've been living in Cheltenham for the last 9 months and I love it here. It's been lonely at times, as I moved away from all my family and friends bar my partner, but we plan on staying here for the foreseeable future. It's a town I feel safe in, which is so important to me.

4.) Have an organised self-care routine that I stick to

5.) Travel to a different continent
As you might know already, I headed to Florida in the US in April. It was incredible.

6.) Volunteer in some way

7.) Own a whole shelf of tsum tsums
This is one I actively worked on, and I love my little shelf of them. 

8.) Learn how to do winged eyeliner properly

9.) Find a career I love

10.) Frame my degree certificate

11.) Be living with someone I love
My boyfriend and I moved into our first real home together (we've been living together, but with other people in student houses before) in November. I'm honestly so happy to have our own little space for just us. 

12.) Have enough savings to put down a payment on a flat or house

13.) Have enough money to go on an IKEA spending spree.

14.) Start relying more on homeopathic medicine.

15.) Maintain good relationships with all of my family members.

16.) Be able to emotionally and financially support my sister. 

17.) Have a pretty, organised desk space for my freelance/blogging work
I own my very own desk in my new home and it makes me feel so productive. It's not always the tidiest, but I almost always have flowers and candles on it to keep me motivated. I've also popped it in front of the window in my office room, so it gets a lot of light and I can watch the world go by as I work.

18.) Learn some basic calligraphy

19.) Try kayaking and karate

20.) Get good enough at yoga to do the crow

21.) Still enjoy blogging
I wrote a post a couple of months back on how I was falling out of love with blogging, but I took a little bit of time away from it when I was on holiday, and re-evaluated exactly where I wanted my blog to be heading and now I'm enjoying it so much again. 

22.) Continue to improve my photography skills

23.) Learn to love myself

24.) Go to Disneyworld (Florida)

25.) Have developed my own sense of style

I'm pretty pleased with all the progress I've made in the past year, and I can't wait to see where I'll be in a year's time. 

Have you got a similar bucket list?

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  1. I wrote down 25 things I want to do before I'm 25, but I hadn't made it into a blogpost. this was an interesting post and good luck on your driving lesson:) x


    1. Oooh you should make it into a post! Everyone loves a little nosy, and doing it really helped me to stick to the goals

      Steph - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

  2. I've got something similar, 30 things I want to do before I'm 30. You're doing a lot better with your list than I am though - can you give me some of your motivation please? Haha. x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. Oooh that sounds fab too! Well have to discuss our goals together over our next coffee, hehe

      Steph x

  3. Looks like you're making good progress so far!! I need to a 30 before 30 list soon as I'm 25 this year and I've got sooo much I wast to achieve :) Tania Michele xx

    1. Oooh you should do one! It's a great way to motivate yourself

      Steph x


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