14 June 2017

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever (okay, I'm biased)

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever

The best spaghetti bolognese recipe ever

Spaghetti bolognese is one of the first dishes I ever made for myself. It kinda got me through uni, with a little help from Dolmio of course. But for years it was my backup dinner; a really simple thing that I could fling together with zero effort and I didn't really enjoy but found bearable because it was easy. 

Over the last year or so I've moved away from 'bog standard' spaghetti bolognese, and started experimenting with ways to make it more interesting and, y'know, actually tasty. So, without further ado, here's my spaghetti bolognese recipe. If you're a Dolmio kinda gal or guy like I was, then get ready to have your opinions changed. FYI, I still go for a premade sauce sometimes, but if I'm having people over, or want something a little special, then this is is what I'd make.

Ingredients (serves 3-4)

150g spaghetti
400g mince
1 tin chopped tomatoes
Handful baby plum tomatoes
1 onion, diced
100ml red wine
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 big handfuls spinach
Bay leaf
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Dash of cider vinegar
Sea salt
Black Pepper
Herbs de Provence


1.)  Brown off the mince in a big frying pan or wok. 
2.) Add the onion and garlic. Fry for two minutes.
3.) Add the red wine and bay leaf. Simmer for five minutes.
4.) Stir in the tomatoes (both types), vinegar, worcestershire sauce, herbs and seasoning. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
5.) Whilst this is simmering, boil some water for the pasta, and cook for as long as the instructions on the packet tell you.
6.) Once the 20 minutes is up, stir in the spinach and cook for two minutes, allowing it to wilt.
7.) Serve the sauce atop the pasta.

What's your favourite way to make spaghetti bolognese?
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  1. This looks so tasty, totally going to try this out!

    Anika xo | anikamay.co.uk

    1. Let me know if you do, I'd love to hear what you thought

      Steph x

  2. Steph, this looks incredibly delicious!

    I think bolognese can be made so interesting by adding in this to the mince!


    1. It is so tasty! I love how you can change the whole flavour of this dish really easily

      Steph x

  3. I'm vegetarian, but I really want to try out this recipe with soy protein! It looks delicious! :)


    1. That would definitely work too, or quorn mince!

      Steph x

  4. I am going to swap the meat for quorn and make this, sounds fab! x

    1. That sounds delicious, I really want to try getting into eating quorn more often again!

      Steph x

  5. bolognese is my favourite food ever and your post made me so hungry. i will make it today.


    1. I love bolognese too, it's such a good comfort food!

      Steph x


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