12 June 2017

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

The Summer 2017 Box of Lame. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
There's nothing I love more than the excitement of a new Box of Lame being released by That Lame Company. I'm always on the website making sure I get my hands on it as soon as it goes on sale, and I've managed to buy every one they've brought out over the last year. Winning. 

This Box of Lame has seen a little shift away from being mostly stationery, to having more DIY homemade bits that make for the perfect blog props. I may or may not *cough* have pretty much a whole drawer of notebooks that I'm currently slowly making my way through, so I was more than happy with the shift.

My favourite item from the whole box has to be the clay trinket dish. It's the perfect little prop to fill up space in a flatlay, and it's just the right size to sit on my desk and hold little odds and ends. Plus, I feel like I struck lucky with the colour: they come in a variety, and I ended up with a black and grey one with a gold rim. It's beautiful.

Speaking of clay, this Box of Lame also comes with a clay coaster, which is pretty darn cute. I'm using mine to sit my favourite candle on my desk on at the moment. 

Accessories wise, there is a whole load of trinkets and goodies that I'm loving already. A selection of mini copper pegs and drawing pins made their way to me and I've already got plans for the little pegs. I've been getting a lot of my favourite photos printed recently, and I'm going to hang some up on the copper leaf bunting that also came in this Box of Lame. I think it'll be a nice decoration to have up when Autumn rolls around. The walls of my office are still really bare, and having this up will make such a difference. Imagine having candles lit, being cosied up reading in a little nook with the leaf bunting and your favourite photos overlooking you: pure bliss. Ps, can you tell I'm so over summer already?

I've got quite the collection of That Lame Company prints already, but if you've read my post about my collage wall, then you'll know that I'm building up a whole stockpile of motivational quotes to keep me inspired. Some of the new ones in the Box of Lame are exactly what I needed. They also come in really handy for the background of blog pictures. If you don't have a lil wall space like me, then there's actually a rose gold clipboard and a wooden print stand included in the box. They think of everything.

As you can see from my pictures, there were lots of other little bits and bobs included, but this box was so jam-packed that I've just spoken about my favourite pieces. There are still a few boxes on sale on the site here.

What's your favourite stationery shop at the minute?

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  1. I was so excited for mine to arrive and I wasn't disappointed!! I have a purple clay holder, and LOVE the copper items!! :) Tania Michele xx

    1. Me too! Oooh the purple one sounds cute!

      Steph x

  2. Oh man, I'd absolutely love to get my hands on one of these boxes! I've had some prints and bits before but the whole box looks like such a treat!
    Ellis x // www.elliswoolley.co.uk

    1. It was such a lovely treat hehe, the boxes were jam packed full of goodies!

      Steph x

  3. this box looks so good! the pegs are so cute. I love your photos!


    1. They are, aren't they?! Thank you so much!

      Steph x

  4. Oh wow, this box looks so good! I picked up their last box; the blogger box, I think? And loved it. Shame I didn't manage to get my hands on this one. x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. I loved it! I got the blogger box too. I'm still using up some of the bits and bobs from it hehe

      Steph x


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