23 June 2017

Key Google Analytics terms explained

Key Google Analytics terms explained

Key Google Analytics terms explained

Google analytics is a pretty scary place. I avoided it for my first year and a bit of blogging because hell no was I trying to work that out. Anyway, a few very helps pins later (seriously, where would we be without Pinterest?!) and I'd pretty much worked out how to use the damn thing. It can be really hard to understand what people are talking about, or what you're seeing on the screen when it comes to GA, so here's a handy little guide of all the important terms you'll need to know. 

User: someone who is visiting your site.

Unique users: this is the number of individual IPs that visit your site, i.e. every person using a different device is one of these.

Bounce rate. This is the percentage of people who come on to your site and leave after viewing just one page. The lower your bounce rate, the better because it means that people are browsing multiple pages. 

Session. One session is effectively one visit to your site by one person. Ideally, the longer the session, the better, as it suggests that people are hopping about on multiple pages, or reading your posts in a lot of detail.

Pages/Session. This is the average number of pages people have viewed in a single session. Again, the higher the number, the better with this one. 

%New Sessions: This is the percentage of the sessions on your site that come from a new user. I.e. it's the percentage of all the visits on your site that come from anyone who's never been on your site before. 

Acquisition: This basically shows how and where your viewers come from. 

So there we have it! I really hope you find this basic Google Analytics dictionary useful


  1. This was super helpful, I was actually looking like something like this to read so thanks babe! xxx


    1. I'm so glad it's helped you!

      Steph x

  2. Very helpful, thanks for sharing! I just learned about the bounce rate yesterday haha

    Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog

    1. You're welcome! The term bounce rate had me so stumped at first hehe

      Steph x


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