20 June 2017

Meet our new baby hamsters!

Meet our new baby hamsters

Is there anything cuter than a squishy little baby hamster munching on something with his little paws though? For real? 

A couple of months ago, my hamster Jeff passed away and I was gutted. I missed him so much, and I genuinely missed having a happy little creature pottering about his home in my office. So, we got two new little additions to the family. They're both very different, and I'm so excited to introduce them.

Meet Sid

Sid is the little furball pictured at the start of this post. He's a Russian Dwarf hamster just like Jeff was. These are a lot smaller than normal Syrian hamsters, and have a distinctive dorsal stripe. That's the strip of dark fur you can see along Sid's back.

I get asked this question every time somebody sees Sid, so yes, he does have red eyes; it's not a trick of the camera. 

We've had him for a month and a half now, so he's almost four months old. He's still very skittish, but is quite happy to be picked up. If you swoop down on him whilst he's in his nest he will give you a good nip. We still very much have to wait until he's ready and waiting to be bribed with a treat or two. At the moment, his favourite is a little bit of kiwi. 

He loves to burrow under the bedding in his cage, and will only pop his head up to munch on a bit of food. Once you've got hold of him, he's very easy to handle, and quite happy to be carried about and stroked. He's still not tame enough to sit still on your hand, and likes to roam, but he doesn't run for the hills! 

Meet Frank

Meet our new baby hamsters

Meet our new baby hamsters

Frank is a whole other kettle of fish. I'm totally not squeezing him in the first picture by the way, I had him in my hand (he's weeny) and he popped his little head out to see what was going on!

Frank is a Roborovski dwarf hamster. They're smaller than Russian ones - he's actually two weeks older than Sid! 

Frank is a LOT harder to handle. As in I've not yet properly held him. And he's escaped eight times. You have to be really careful with these little guys: any tiny gap in their cage, or your hand and they're gone. The first time I tried to hold him I assumed he was like a Russian hamster. He was in his plastic house, so I picked it up, put it next to my hand and expected him to slowly clamber on. Nuh uh. Instead he saw the opportunity for freedom and whizzed right over my hand, into the air and onto the floor. Oh, and yeah, they can jump really far as well. I'm not even going to explain the stress of waking up one morning to find that I'd left a door in the roof of his cage open at night ...

But he is super cute and very loveable. We've got a taming box for him, which is what he's in in the picture above, and he's gradually getting used to the idea of taking bits of food from us. Another perk is that he never bites or nips. He just scarpers instead.

So there we go, there's my two new little babies. They are so cute, and I love them already. I'm doing everything I can to keep them cool in the heat, but it's important to remember that you can't get either breeds wet. They've got a little sand bath in each cage instead! They also can't be housed together, and it's unlikely that we'll ever put them near each other; hamsters can be very defensive, and I'm pretty sure Sid would give Frank a nip or two to protect himself! 

Have you got any pets? What are they?

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  1. AAAAAAH I LOVE HAMSTERS lol, Sid & Frank are so cute! We have a syrian hamster called Henry, he is really ginger. He is hard enough to hold so I dread to think how hard it is to catch them :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    1. Me too! They make such cute pets. I'm really tempted to get a Syrian in the next few years

      Steph x

  2. Awwwww they are both so adorable! I've always wanted a hamster but my mom is scared of them. We do have a 3 year old Pomeranian named Lucy and she's my baby. ♥


    1. I can understand why - they do look a little bit like mice. Aww Pomeranians always look so sweet!

      Steph x

  3. So cute! I'm so glad you got two more after Jeff passing; I know they'll be so good for you! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. I'm really glad I did too. It's been so nice getting them used to being held. It's so rewarding!

      Steph x

  4. aw they're so cute. I've never heard of a Roborovski dwarf hamster before, but he looks so tiny! he's escaped 8 times?:O I got my brother a Syrian hamster just before Christmas and although she's big, she chewed her way out of her cage twice!


    1. They're the littlest breed of hamster! He gets out SO easily. Oh my word I didn't know they could chew their way out?!

      Steph x

  5. I love hamsters! These two are so cute, and I love their names - you do pet names well.

    Maddie | thatplacecalledhere.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Me too hehe. Thank you! It took me and my boyfriend ages to think of names we both loved

      Steph x


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