10 July 2018

Scrapbooking in my bullet journal and how it's helping my mental health

Scrapbooking in my bullet journal and how it's helping my mental health

Bullet journals were always something I thought I wasn't creative enough to do, or wouldn't get on with at all, but as it turns out, that's just not true. I ADORE my dotty little book of ideas, plans and memories. 

A few months ago I got totally absorbed by the idea of starting a scrapbook to document my favourite times so that I could look back on them when I'm sad. Aaaand then I realised I totally had a mini scrapbook at the ready in the form of my bullet journal? 

In our old house I had a big collage wall filled with my favourite photos, motivational quotes and postcards from my sister. I'd always wanted to add little bits like train tickets, photo booth strips etc, but couldn't find a way to do that whilst still making it look nice (and not using endless amounts of blu tack). When we moved I was absolutely gutted to be losing this, hence the scrapbooking urge. 

Scrapbooking in my bullet journal and how it's helping my mental health

I've always ordered my photos from Snapfish (FYI this post is in no way sponsored - they're just absolutely hella cheap and I've never had an issue with them, and that's where my pics come from). With a glue stick and multi-coloured biros in tow I was all set.

Each double page spread in the scrapbook section has a 'theme'. This one was a little hamster we lost a year ago (RIP Jeff), I've got ones from summer day trips, visits to my sister, postcards from my sis, time in America, etc. Each page also has a little one or two word caption to remind me of the memory behind the photo, if I ever need a little prompt.

Scrapbooking in my bullet journal and how it's helping my mental health

What I'm really trying to say is that making part of my bullet journal into a scrapbook has brought so much joy into my life. I flick through all the pages a couple of times a week to remind me of all the good things that have happened over the years. 

Over the next few months I'm going to build it up to have a double page spread for each month to remind me that I've achieved things and that good times do happen when I'm feeling low.

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  1. Scrapbooking is something I've been considering doing for ages, but after reading your post I really want to start asap. Its just such a lovely idea. I love the different fonts and writing you've done!


    1. I wanted to do it for such a long time before starting to! It's so lovely to be able to look back on it

      Steph x

  2. Hi Stephanie!
    I love how you're using the bullet journal to capture great memories. How do you come up with themes? And, do you care if you repeat a theme or no? I also am quite fond of that font you use under the pictures. Do you practice at all, or does just come naturally?
    Pleasure to meet you, Steph!

    1. Thank you so much Dina! I've got a Pinterest board full of bullet journal ideas to inspire me. I write everything out in pencil first, and there's been a lot of rubbing out as I practise before I go over the lines in pen!

      Steph x


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