29 June 2016

Disney Store Wishlist

Disney Store Wishlist - June 2016. Nourish ME, www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

It's no secret that Disney is my jam really. Curling up in soft blankets with snacks to watch a Disney film is possibly one of my favourite self-care rituals, and one that I love to rely on when my sister is visiting and we're at a bit of a loose end. Having said that, I haven't really spoken about my love for this franchise on my blog at all yet, but having found out that I'm going to be heading to Disneyworld (Florida) next year (EEEEEK!), there's going to be a few more Disney-related posts cropping up on Nourish ME. So watch this space!

If you've been keeping up with my Instagram lately, you'll know that, despite being fairly late to the Tsum Tsum game, I've been making up for lost time. I've fallen head over heels for these tiny little stackable toys, and can't wait to get a whole shelf of them. The next additions I really want to add are Marie and Thumper. The little pink bow in Marie's fur and the yellow detailing on Thumper's ears are JUST TOO CUTE. Seriously, how could I not love these little guys, especially as I own my very own little 'Thumper' aka Ted. 

There's only one thing that trumps cute little tsum tsums: a tsum tsum hooded onesie. I don't think I've wanted anything more in my life. As soon as Autumn rolls in and I start wanting to cosy up in a snuggly onesie in the evenings, this is going to be sitting right at the top of my life wishlist.

In case you haven't already guessed, cuddly toys are kind of my thang. Has anyone else seen the trailer for Finding Dory? Because oh my word baby Dory is the cutest little thing, which basically means I need this baby Dory plushie, right?! I'm a sucker for anything with big pretty eyes, and this ticks all of my boxes. Plus, y'know, buying it would totally be an excuse to get an 'under the sea' themed duvet cover and pillows. Obviously. 

You know all those blogger photos with mounds of pretty white/gold/marble cushions on? Well the Stitch face cushion is something I would need to add to balance blogger goals with my own personality. Lilo and Stitch is one of my all-time favourites from Disney, and this loveable little alien deserves a place in my home

Now, let's move on to the 'adult' things. I'm a massive green tea drinker, and have my own little favourite mugs that I like to drink out of. As I work from home, there's usually a mug of (most likely cold and forgotten) herbal tea on my desk, and I would love to add this nemo mug and the minnie mouse bow cup and saucer to my collection. Nemo is utterly adorable, and his little (not so) squishy face is basically needed to perk me up when work is slow or non-existent. And the minnie mouse one is just so elegant, I couldn't resist adding it to this wishlist.

Finally, we have a little collection of Alice Through the Looking Glass. Alice in Wonderland was a big favourite for me as a child - I once watched it three times straight when I was off sick - and I'm SO EXCITED for the new release in the franchise this year. 

The Alice compact mirror is something I want to pop in my handbag and keep with me everywhere I go. I can also imagine it being a pretty awesome blog prop for any makeup posts, so keep your eyes peeled if I do pick it up!

The Alice alarm clock is basically something I 100% need in my life right now. I'm terrible at keeping my phone topped up on charge, so it's fairly likely that it'll die overnight and the alarm I had ready won't go off (this has happened too many times). I also love the idea of having an old fashioned alarm clock on my bedside table because, y'know, aesthetic and all. 

 Last up is this cute and slyly detailed Alice tank top. I love the combination of royal blue and gold on this one, and I could see myself pairing it with some shorts or my black skinny jeans all summer to add a pop of colour to my life.

What would you add to this Disney wishlist?

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  1. Have an amazing time at Disney World and hope you have time to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter too...
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Thank you! I hope I do too - I really want to go!

      Steph x


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