8 June 2016

What I Got For My Birthday + VIDEO

What I got for my birthday blog post and Youtube video - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

What I got for my birthday blog post and Youtube video - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

What I got for my birthday blog post and Youtube video - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

What I got for my birthday blog post and Youtube video - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

What I got for my birthday blog post and Youtube video - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
In case you haven't managed to have a peek at my 25 things to do before I turn 25 post, I turned 22 on Saturday. I had such a wonderful day with my family and boyfriend, and managed to spread out the celebrations over three days (woooo!). I've got a little round-up of some things I was fortunate enough to receive on my 'big day' and I really wanted to share them with you all, so here we go! I love these kind of posts - it's a chance for me to be uber nosy and have a little peek into what other people enjoy. 

Here are some links to my birthday picks:

Paperchase Beautiful Slogan List Pad

I've already got cracking on using this one, and I'm really excited about keeping up to date with all of my freelance tasks in it!

Paperchase desk organiser

This is going to be sat on my desk permanently when I get properly set up in my new home (we're moving on saturday - *nervous emoji face*).

The Body Shop Mango Shower Gel

I love love love fruity scents in summer, so I'm pretty darn ready to get crackalacking on this.

The Body Shop Honeymania Shower Gel

This is one that I've been dying to pick up from The Body Shop for what feels like forever. It's sweet without being sickly and is really fab at making sure your skin doesn't get too dry.

Stitch Tsum Tsum

I've been really slow to catch up on the Tsum Tsum game, but this is my third now and I' hoping to have a Tsum Tsum space in our new flat.

Literary Paper Dolls

This was possibly my favourite present. I have SO many memories of me and my sister playing with paper dolls as children, and ones with a literary twist have basically made my life. 

Gryffindor top - Primark

I am absolutely in love with this top, and it's made me want to go and visit Harry Potter World even more than I already did!

I hope you enjoyed this post - what are you hoping to get for your next birthday?


  1. Sounds like you had a great time, love your gifts :) Sophie x



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