17 June 2016

Brownie Skewers and Pineapple Mimosas | Summer Treats

Chocolate brownie skewers and pineapple mimosas - snacking in summer time. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Chocolate brownie skewers and pineapple mimosas - snacking in summer time. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Chocolate brownie skewers and pineapple mimosas - snacking in summer time. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

Chocolate brownie skewers and pineapple mimosas - snacking in summer time. Nourish ME: www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

I am a snacker. There's no two ways about it really: I'd rather graze all day on small meals than *shock horror* be confined to only eating real meals a couple of times a day. It's probably down to my hatred for routine, but also has a lot to do with my general love of all things food

As summer started to hit in the UK (I say that now mid torrential downpour, but it did happen for a week or so, I promise), I really got the urge to try my hand at making some cocktails. If you've read my final cocktail night post, you'll know that I love the idea of making my own cocktails! Plus, I'd seen some really cute brownie skewer recipes on Pinterest, and just HAD to give them a whirl.

So, I set about to baking and creating to bring you these goodies, which, btw, pair perfectly for when you have guests over. Not only are they the perfect sweet nibbles, put this cocktail is remarkably easy to make. Before y'all cocktail buffs get all aggressive on my butt, these are only 'sort of' mimosas, as they contain sparkling wine rather than champagne #sorrynotsorry. 

The brownies

 I used Zoella's white chocolate brownie recipe for the brownies, which is fast become my favourite brownie recipe of all time. Seriously, you need to give them a try. My housemates devoured them, and I practically had to elbow my way through to get a peek. 

So, once you've got all of your brownies whipped up, ready and cut into squares, you can get started on the skewers. Be very careful when skewering the brownies; they're a little fragile and it took me three or four heavy handed attempts before I was careful enough to get one on without it crumbling. Then chop some strawberries in half and get your marshmallows ready. I used a pattern of marshmallow - brownie - strawberry - marshmallow - brownie - strawberry. You can arrange it in any way you desire. 

Then you're good to go. If you're feeling super fancy, drizzle the skewers with a compote or melted chocolate.

The mimosas (ish)

What you'll need:
- Sparkling wine
- Pineapple juice
- Lemonade

You're totally welcome to use homemade lemonade or pineapple juice for this, and it would be totally #culinarygoals, but I just wanted a quick and simple cocktail making session, so went for the shop bought varieties. 

Traditionally the cocktails would be served in champagne glasses, but you can use whatever kind you want! You basically fill the glass up one third with sparkling wine, then one third with pineapple juice, and finally one third with lemonade. We garnished ours with a piece of kiwi fruit (going for a tropical vibe naturally), but why not experiment?

I really hope you enjoyed this post - let me know if you give either recipe a go! 

What's your favourite snack to make for guests?

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  1. I can't say I have guests over too often but this would be so perfect for that kind of an occasion. If I made those brownies though I doubt any of them would make it to the skewers, they'd probably all just end up being eaten by me first! haha


    1. I don't either, I'm saving this for a house warming event we're hosting soon! The brownies were SO tasty

      Steph x

  2. Hi Steph, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    These. Look. Amazing! Oh my goodness! You have done a great job at making me crave chocolate! Haha. Perfect Summer treats for a sunny day! I think I will need to get over my obsession with packet mixes and try these from scratch!

    Eb x


    1. You're very welcome Eb. They are SO scrummy, I can't get enough haha

      Steph x

  3. Yummy! Appetizing look
    Thanks for sharing
    many kisses

  4. These both look so tasty! Must try them out :) Sophie x


    1. They are! They're great if you've got a sweet tooth like me!

      Steph x

  5. I wont lie, the brownie skewers are making me drool. They look so yummy!
    I will 100% be making those mimosas's this summer.


    Louisa x


    1. I really want to make the brownies again, they were so tasty!

      Steph x


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