14 June 2016

20 Things I Won't Miss About Living in a Student House

10 things I won't miss about living in a student house in the UK - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

10 things I won't miss about living in a student house in the UK - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

10 things I won't miss about living in a student house in the UK - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

10 things I won't miss about living in a student house in the UK - Nourish ME www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
As of three days ago I officially left student housing for good and oh my word I could not be happier. I've spent four years altogether in various types of student accommodation, so this day couldn't come sooner for me. Now that I'm free (y'know free to pay council tax and become a responsible adult), I've made this list of all the things I will never miss about student housing. 

I've gathered a few pictures for you of my new abode as I can finally actually have nice things, and an official blogging and freelance space (wooo!). 

This is by no means a bitter attack on the people I have lived with in the past - I've loved sharing, but now I really feel is a time when I just need to be in a 'real' home. So, here's my top 20 things I won't miss about student living:

 1.) Endless washing up. In an 'every surface is covered and there are no forks left' kind of way.

2.) Stray hairs. Everywhere. In the bathtub, on the shower walls, on the floor, on the sofa, Like how much do we all really shed?!

3.) Having no space that is really 100% mine and off-limits to others.

4.) Waking up to random one-night stands of my housemate's in the morning.

5.) Having to worry about strangers touching, and possibly taking, my stuff.

6.) Being woken up at 3am by crying/angry/vomiting drunk housemates.

7.) Landlords unnecessarily being dicks aka having to live in houses that are just plain unsafe. 

8.) Never trusting anything you touch after predrinks because there's a 90% chance it WILL be sticky.

9.) Always having a tea towel shortage. Where do they even go?!

10.) Finding leftover pizza and housemates sprawled about everywhere all over the house after a night out.

11.) The general unwillingness of everyone (including myself) to replace light bulbs, because dollar.

12.) Because of that, having to spend most of your time in the dark.

13.) Clean glasses basically being a form of currency.

14.) Having really ugly (think: not-bloggable/instagrammable) furniture that was born at least 20 years ago.

15.) Never being able to bring family round because of the state of the place and your semi-nude housemates.

16.) Unwillingly 'sharing' food. I am by no means a sharer, so telling me you've eaten my last freddo but will replace it at some point is only going to spark rage and possibly tears.

17.) Constant bickering/bitchiness.

18.) Having apricot coloured walls with tinges of sick splashes/general dirt/furniture smudges/shoe prints/food/alcohol everywhere.

19.) Uncomfortable beds. With ominous stains from the previous tenant, of course.

20.) Recycle/bin mountain, aka when all housemates reach a stalemate over whose turn it is to take the bin out. This is usually followed by a collapse of the mountain, an end to this cold war, and a need for everyone to group together to clean up the mess.

However, despite all of these minor drawbacks, I'll miss not having to accept adult responsibility in my little student community. 

What would you add to the list?

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  1. Moving out of student housing can be a shock to the system. It also made me learn that I am the shedder ;) x

    1. Oh god haha! Thankfully I'm not, but I really do miss my student house sometimes (my immune system doesn't though)

      Steph x

  2. I've never lived in student accommodation and by the sounds of it you are glad to leave there too. Sophie x


    1. Count yourself lucky haha. So. Many. Germs.

      Steph x

  3. I just moved out of student accommodation myself and I totally get where you're coming from! A messy kitchen and the contestant bickering were definitely enough to stop me from living there again! Jade X


    1. I'm SO glad to finally have a kitchen that's clean

      Steph x

  4. Anonymous15/6/16 22:59

    I know that my boyfriend will relate to this so much! He's in his first year in London, living in a shared flat and he absolutely detests it x


    1. Aw no! Hopefully it gets better for him in the next few years

      Steph x

  5. Aha, loved this post - I totally agree with all of these! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Lifestyle Blog

  6. I agree - I lived in a shared house almost 3 years ago and I absolutely hated it for the same reasons! I could not wait to move out!

    I've just finished my final year, and I'm looking for somewhere to live. I can't wait to live on my own! It's my dream!


    1. Living in a shared house really doesn't live up to the expectations! Aww yay that's so exciting!

      Steph x


I read each and every one of your comments, and really appreciate the time you've taken to add them! If you want or need a more immediate response then contact me through my twitter @stephhartley4. Thank you!